
Kamala campaign: *releases this photo of JD Vance*
Male millenials: HOLY SHIT THAT'S ME

I need the zoomers to understand that dudes like this were everywhere, they were socially awkward autists but they were generally fucking awesome guys.

@picandor what's the context, is it just to make fun of someone for how they looked in the past? That seems antithetical to their platform, but what do i know.

@picofarad @picandor nah it's exactly their platform. You know how many of them talk shit about "incels" and "chuds?" they're the same kind of people who would bully gamers in the 90s except now they're also in the gaming industry for some reason. They're incredibly vain and the only people they want to protect are themselves and other minorities, unless they don't think the way they do.

@picandor it's so great when political campaigns just resort to bullying people, but man bullying the child version of someone is really something else

Why can't he just find a woman who knows how to use a bathroom? Smfh. 😒
@Humpleupagus @picandor @AngryWraith So, the boy in the boy's bathroom, he's the weirdo, not the 3 girls at urinals? This doesn't even make sense.
Lmao. I swear the same thought popped in my head when I saw it...
@Humpleupagus @picandor @AngryWraith He looks caught off-guard, not like he's the one that put the girls there.
@Humpleupagus @picandor @AngryWraith

"The Game" in front of her face on the wall. I just fucking lost.

@AngryWraith @picandor I really want to know what the context of this photo is lol. My mind immediately jumps to some shit I would do for a class project as a funny skit or something. I danced shirtless in a kilt and practically waterboarded someone for something like that once :meru_lul:

He looks exactly like one of the goofballs I used to play DnD with in highschool.
Pretty based but I'm still not voting
@Bianca @picandor Was he a test subject for vegetable oils, or was it loss of self control and now you can see the result as he dove into the cauldron of curry furry he married?
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