honestly, with supervillains it really doesn't get any better than "obscenely rich bald guy" template

@tomie the best villains are always going to be the ones who truly thought they were doing the right thing.


@beardalaxy I like the ones who were genuinely doing the right thing and got failed by the society, too

@tomie @beardalaxy
I still find the debates about Lex Luthor so confusing, because there are people, who complain: "he's just a rich guy who hates superman"

Meanwhile, whenever I see him, he's trying to push humanity beyond the limits of what we believe to be possible. He dreads the thought of us becoming a 3rd rate race kneeling and begging for help from the Kryptoneans.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy this is the same thing when normies or worse tumblrinas ask smugly "why Bruce Wayne doesn't use his big money in order to fix Gotham's problems and instead dresses up like a bat and wastes money on battoys" when he is consistently throwing money at Gotham's problems and him being unable to fix systematic problems even with his obscene amount of money is exactly the point of why he dresses up like a bat
like, it's not the characters' fault that someone didn't bother to check the source material beyond the most mainstream movies, and those never even bothered to show Lex Luthor properly
so yeah, maybe he is just a rich guy who hates Superman, but that's exactly the point, cuz Batman is also a rich guy who dislikes Superman, but their methods are like the sun and moon
read Kingdom Come btw, if you didn't already

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