
> top 10 anime recommended for beginners
no anime should be recommended, the only thing beginners should be recommended is to never watch anime

Just no.
Not all uninitiated people are normies. Loving art is a good thing.

@LukeAlmighty if they need to be recommended anime for "beginners" they are turbo normies and should be gatekept at all costs
you don't get into anime by not headdiving deep into it from your first title

@LukeAlmighty @tomie "Wow, this cute/funny/interesting thing I found online sure is cool, I shall try and engage in more of it!"

Did you need onboarding from a jewtube video for any of your hobbies?

@applejack @LukeAlmighty @tomie I agree with tomie here if I'm interested in something I'm going to go straight to the autism not waffle around on surface level gameranx top 10s

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