
I think we should officially adopt "Hitler particles" as the official measurement of art
write in replies what you think can be measured in art in Hitler particles

@tomie this whole 'nostalgia is fascism' line of argument is pretty retarded ngl

@tomie I hate the new trend of people thinking that nostalgia is fascism or something. Or even that it's inherently bad.

@beardalaxy @tomie I can explain that fairly easily, leftist swine are of the mind that the past is evil and bad, and modernity is the best things have ever been, thusly being in anyway nostalgic for that evil past makes you a fascist. I fucking hate these faggots.
They know things were better before they showed up and started shitting on the dinner table so they can't have you looking at that.

@tomie I propose a new unit of
measurement: HPD (Hitler Particle Density).

1 HPD equals 1 liberal sperging per subject matter.

So the liberal crying over Kinkade's art in several posts is clocking in at 3HPD.

This is of course a single measurement.
Kinkade made lots of art that glorifies light and the divine, and has a very high HPD because of it.
So much so that the fart-huffing art industry cancelled him and drove him to depression and suicide.

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