@realcaseyrollins Just found out after some digging that your mstdn.social account is taken down.

Is feddit.social safe? Since it's run by that same stux guy. I'm trying to find a instance that's pro-freespeech but not too extremist

@vetharvester @realcaseyrollins please add any Lemmy instances if you actually find any to

The hard-coded bad words list seems a bit concerning.

Some 'Inner Equestria' forked Lemmy into Lenny which removes the slur filter. It's made for derpy.email (which looks like it's for bronies), but nobodyhasthe.biz also uses it. The NHTB guys seems to be too far right for me tho personally. @chaekyung @realcaseyrollins

@vetharvester @chaekyung Yeah, it looks...interesting. In the same way did when I first joined.

Nonetheless, props for them removing thw filter. Is there a place where this fork can be found?

cc @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo


Here: moonbutt.science/innereq/conta

Oh and btw while editing that LinuxReviews article, I also discovered that NHTB's c/decucked_lemmies also lists neoreddit.horobets.me, but the Lemmy is, well, vanilla Lemmy and it's twelve versions behind (.7.13 vs 0.7.25) - yikes!
@realcaseyrollins @chaekyung @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo

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