>go to doctor's office
>nurse at door asks "do you have any covid symptoms?"
>I say no
>nurse gives me a wristband to indicate I've been screened for covid
>no tests, no thermometers, just a question anyone could lie about
>worthless cloth masks still required
>drinking fountains still shut down
@noyoushutthefuckupdad it's especially stupid because 'covid symptoms' are so generic
@lain the biggest symptom of covid is getting tired of bullshit lockdowns and vaccine hysteria
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @lain i just want shit to be normal again and maybe china blown off the map
@1iceloops123 @lain "normal" means child drag queens, huge suicide rates, and Somalian cops getting away with murdering white women. normal is still Clown World.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @lain @1iceloops123 "Going back to normal" means that you will own nothing, eat bugs, live in a pod, and be microchipped. All for fighting poverty, racism, and climate change.

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@xianc78 and if you're white, accept that you're inherently an evil oppressor who personally killed six gaborillion Jews and enslaved blacks and countless other crimes. @noyoushutthefuckupdad @lain @1iceloops123

@bakubased @xianc78 @noyoushutthefuckupdad @lain >you're inherently an evil oppressor
i thought everyone and their mom was opressed or was it just some gay ass hipster making shit up like always

@1iceloops123 you can't be "oppressed" if you're a white male according to the shekelbergs, you're inherently evil and must sacrifice your country and culture for your crimes. Everyone knows that. @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad

@bakubased @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad yet when i was a kid i had black people calling me a nigger and i got introuble for there deeds so yeah people can be oppressed.

@1iceloops123 I was shitposting but yeah they actually think that you can't oppress white people or be racist to them. @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad

@bakubased @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad it was elemtery school in the late 2000s and i wonder why people hate school
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