The President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel signed Ukrainian heavy equipment, which is going to the front

"We are with you. You will avenge your fallen, you will regain your freedom. Russia, go home!"

@Christi Junior Moscow has launched an unprovoked war. You need to go to #putler and ask him to stop. It's pretty simple. Any person with a functioning brain should understand that. But there are still so many half-apes without functioning brains.
@noelreports @noelreports @martin @ChristiJunior I have yet to see one good reason why I should care about some slavshit conflict on the opposite side of the planet.

To support the military industrial complex of course.

Y, #putler is trying as hard as possible.

@martin I don't support either side. Both are controlled by central banksters and secret societies. This has been the case since World War I. I've been warning about that since the beginning. Nobody listens to me.

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