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Checkpoints have now been implemented in the level editor, but for whatever reason they aren't visible. They do load. I don't know why this is happening. I will probably work on it tomorrow.


Finally, checkpoints are now visible in the level editor.


Checkpoints can now be placed and deleted in the level editor. Note that these checkpoints aren't actually visible in game, only in the level editor.

The red part represents where the player will respond. The yellow part represents where the player needs to cross in order to reach it.


Now creating the second level using my level editor. This one is a desert level.


Desert level is done. Created a forest level using the level editor.


I'm realizing that this game is piss easy because Spy Hunter-style enemies can only attack from the side. While I do have a mine car. It isn't enough. Unlike the original Spy Hunter, enemies cannot appear from behind because this game has predefined enemy placement. And if you know where the enemies can attack, you can always attack from behind, and never have to deal with the threat of enemies attacking you.

I plan on adding one more enemy that appears from behind and will shoot you on sight. Hopefully, it will add a little bit more challenge. However, I need to be careful about adding too many enemies on screen because of the lag problem that I can only mitigate so much.

The other option is just to scrap predefined enemy placement altogether, and have cars appear from either the top or bottom after a certain interval with a limit on how many cars can appear on-screen at once. This would obviously be a hard choice because I put so much work in designing the levels and even creating my own level editor, but unexpected turns are just simply a reality in game development.


Now, I'm experimenting with having randomly spawning enemies as opposed to predefined enemy placement in levels. It should help with the problems I had previously and also allow me to include enemies that appear from behind (which I haven't implemented yet).

I should also tweak the behavior of some enemies. Have them catch up to the player, if they attack from the side.


Enemies now appear from behind. I still need to tweak the behavior. I'm trying to program them to catch up to the player when they appear from behind but they still behave oddly.


Working on a farm level now. I even have tiles for both corn and some sort of crop. I tried making an apple tree tile, but it ended up looking weird.


Player car now spins out if it gets hit by spikes or shot by a limo.


Working on a credits sequence. It isn't that much because I'm the sole developer and I didn't use that many third-party assets (yet). I decided to add the tools I used to pad it out.

The credits are loaded from a text file with it's own simple markup format.


Added a sound effect when the player car spins out.


Made a beach/island/sandbar level. I don't know if I'm going to make more levels. Other than that, I just need to tweak some things, add music, replace the Spy Hunter sprites with my own or stock assets, give this a name, and then I'm done.

I'm hoping that my next game would be something more inspired.


Added background music. This track is called Mom's Workout CD by Zane Little Music on


Added a toggle between window and fullscreen, which I can't show in my recordings.


Trying to replace the Spy Hunter assets with my own but I suck at drawing.

This is supposed to be a car.


Replaced the player car's sprite with my own. It kind of looks weird though. I probably should make a smaller one and have this sprite be for an enemy. It turns black when destroyed because it's supposed to be charred.

I also made this using Piskel instead of Pinta because Pinta, for whatever reason, keeps on randomly crashing, even after updating it.


I wasn't planning on making anymore levels, but then I realized that Level 1 was basically a vertical slice level, so now I'm making the actual Level 1.


Still replacing all the Spy Hunter assets with my own. I made the civilian cars look like taxis so it would be easier to recognize them as civilians.


I now replaced the assets for the spike car and limo. All that's left is the bumper car.


Created a sprite for the bumper car. Still have the bullets and explosions but I will get to them eventually.


Replaced the bullet and explosion graphics with my own. The explosion could use a little more detail though.


Added more detail to the explosion sprites.


Changed destroyed vehicle sprites from "charred" to wrecked cars like what the original Spy Hunter had. It just looks better since they are usually destroyed by bullets and not explosions.

gamedev + important question 

So I'm almost done with this project. All I need to do is add a few more songs, sound effects, and iron out a few bugs.

But I have an important question: What should the title be? It's a Spy Hunter clone and it has no story. Unlike my last project, I can't get away with coming up with some made up name because it's set in a realistic setting.

gamedev + important question 

@xianc78 Carburetor

gamedev + important question 

I second "Carburetor"

gamedev + important question 

@souldessin @beardalaxy
Okay. I don't expect anyone else giving suggestions. @Mr_NutterButter can you make a logo? You can use the player car as a reference.

gamedev + important question 

@xianc78 did you still want some music for it?

gamedev + important question 

@beardalaxy I need menu music, credits music, and music for the last level. I should probably upload footage of the last level so you can get a feel for it (it's really just a sandbar and designed to be slow pace and difficult).

As for credits, it requires the correct timing. You need to end the song exactly when the credits end.

I'll send you footage later. I'm too tired right now.

gamedev + important question 

@xianc78 cool cool. no music needed for the normal levels? or will you just use the menu music for it or something?

gamedev + important question 

@beardalaxy I already have normal levels covered (stock music from OpenGameArt).

gamedev + important question 

@xianc78 i'd like to hear that too so i can at least try to match the style somewhat :)

gamedev + important question 

@beardalaxy Most of the levels use this song.

I have a snow level that uses this song.

I also have a desert level that uses this theme

gamedev + important question 

@beardalaxy BTW, if you have any unused game music, please consider uploading them to OpenGameArt. The selection there sucks.

gamedev + important question 

@xianc78 if you'd like, i can upload the ones i make for this over there.


gamedev + important question 

@beardalaxy That would be great. I think Codeberg only allows me to upload anything that is released under an open license.

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