

@Mr_NutterButter @coolboymew @beardalaxy @binkle Thanks.

BTW, I had to remove the "Registered" symbol in the logo. I don't know why you put that there. I don't own a trademark for that name or logo.

re: gamedev 

@xianc78 @Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy @binkle

Brutal until you get used to the car type, I got up to level 4 this time

Small glitches:
- Ramming into the destroyed long gun trucks tends to teleport you left and right at a distance big enough to kill you sometimes
- After death, you can press start and the music restart until the level restart (very minor)

re: gamedev 

@coolboymew @binkle @beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter Ugh! That collision glitch is still there? I though I removed it. This is the first video game I ever programmed to have a completely different method of collision detection. Normally, I checked the angle of the collision based on velocity, but since bumping is involved I had to do it based of the position of the previous frame.

I still don't know what's causing the random teleportation.

re: gamedev 

@xianc78 @binkle @beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter yeah, all the other cars has no issues except that one. Sometimes it teleport you right to the side (less of a big deal), but sometimes is teleport you a few cars width away and that can be mortal
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