I almost thought it would be a great post, but he had to make it about climate change :sadpanda:

So fucking close

@LukeAlmighty @moffintosh he didn't even get the line right. It's either the planet is on fire or the oceans are boiling. QA must have been out that day

@thatguyoverthere @LukeAlmighty

It's either the planet is on fire or the oceans are boiling.


@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty the planet is boiling alive is not a common phrase and it really doesn't even make that much sense. Media have used both of the aforementioned phrases to instill fear. He kind of merged them.

It's a shitpost I'm just mocking him. I don't believe human behavior is a major contributor to changing climates (notashitpost). I think we do damage to the planet but most of the solutions to climate change ignore that damage and even increase it (we need to mine all the sand for cities because increased population density is good akshually and all the lithium for batteries, etc).
@thatguyoverthere @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >I don't believe human behavior is a major contributor to changing climates

you got any good resources against the basic principle? (CO2 absorbs more infrared and therefore will lead to warming)
trying to understand a bit more.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ICE CORE SHIT, I know it was warmer in the past, that's not the point.

@WandererUber @moffintosh @thatguyoverthere
How about the balancing principle of CO2 helps the algy to grow in sea, changing the color, therefore changing the reflective properties of the earth surface?

@LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere Then where the fuck is it?
I had to take a heavy jacket to go out in my town in september less than 10 years ago.
Today I went ouside in a T-shirt and I was sweating


@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere It's geoengineering. They are deliberately changing the weather to push the climate change narrative.

James Corbett has covered this topic in detail multiple times.


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@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere Exxon is also part of the conspiracy. They are a descendant of the Rockefeller's Standard Oil company. Big Oil is actually the one pushing the climate change narrative which is really a front for population control and eugenics (things that the Rockefeller's are known for).



@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere

Big Oil is actually the one pushing the climate change narrative

That is nonsense, they wouldn't have hidden the info, and it goes directly against their interests as a business to sell oil. Also, they're actively funding climate change denial stuff, which makes again no goddamn sense by your theory.


@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere Shell is known for donating to climate alarmist organizations. The climate denial organizations that Big Oil are funding are controlled opposition.

@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere

The climate denial organizations that Big Oil are funding are controlled opposition.

Why wouldn't the "pro-climate change" organizations be controlled opposition, by your logic? Not to mention, again, that they're business is selling oil, which produces Co2 as it burns, so it makes no sense to support "pro-climate change" organizations to restrain their market, and it makes all the sense to prop up denier ones.
And again, by your theory it makes no sense for Exxon to hide climate change reports when it already made accurate predictions decades ago

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere The mainstream climate denial organizations are just a bunch of conservatives worried that the whole thing is just to cripple the Western economy while countries like China surpass them. In reality, it's about a one-world government and population control.

Just take this excerpt from The Global Revolution by The Club of Rome

"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."

Guess who was one of the founding members of The Club of Rome? David Rockefeller.


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