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Hi, I'm Blake, I'm just some dude online who likes games, food, and other stuff.

Managed to catch the Aurora last night, forgot to take photos, but apparently tonight is supposed to be stronger?

For all that I care, he is a normal D tier scam artist, who hit it big. But, he is exposing his entire profession, and becoming one of the most hated people on the planet.

I like him for FINALLY pushing the conversation about men issues into mainstream, as well as making the guru scam scheme well known, but these are kind of accidental achievements. He is still a garbage human.

People trying to learn Polish: "What the fuck does the ą sound make?"
Poles: (something resembling a honk)
People trying to learn Polish: you cannot be serious.

Women will belittle men's issues and men's suffering all the time but act like any man who makes the slightest joke about women's issues is literally the devil.

Sorry, but unless you're willing to shine a light on how men are treated like garbage, I'm not exactly going to rush to fuel your princess complex.

Whoever does the Kitchen Nightmares YouTube channel needs to be paid more, so much more.

You don't hate loocalizers enough.

You think you do but you don't.

I feel like this video needs to be made more obvious because it's not that we don't care, it's that "they didn't tell us, so it can't really be that important right now."

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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