

....I regret to inform you...

.....That the Feds have found the "pedo" tag on Pixiv.....

Just wait till they find Pawoo 😳

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@Aldo2 I hate this argument so much. "nothing real is happening, but it COULD BE REAL so that's why it's bad!"

@Aldo2 same shit with everything else people want to ban. Guns COULD be used in school shootings. You still CAN drive your car while drunk. Gas stoves COULD be a detriment to your health.

@Aldo2 just say you find the AI shit distasteful and that's why it's being banned instead of drumming up some narrative around it.

@Aldo2 makes it even better that the UK absolutely doesn't give a shit about actual children being abused, if the rapefugees are anything to go off of.


Thing is, there is a degree of truth in what they're talking about.

There was a period on Pixiv where people were posting actual CP. I saw it, many others saw it.

Many people still post links to CP or their messaging account for that purpose.

Not to mention the fact that some of the commentators they're talking about are ones who also have Pawoo et alii accounts.

And, of course, they didn't mention the fact that some of the "hentai" artists on Pixiv trace their "models" using real CP as well (April + Mastadon, some "toddlercon" content etc... you get the point). But that's probably because they're "normies" porn-wise.

However, of course, when it comes to actual AI generated models, then yes, it is an overreaction (I'm sure Richard Spencer would have something to say about this, too).

@Aldo2 yeah I know about people using AI filters and shit. That's definitely an issue, or at least it was. Idk I don't really use pixiv that much unless it's for finding artist profiles. There's plenty legitimate in that article, I just take issue with the framing of it. The people doing that shit are already pedos, and if looking at AI stuff turns people into pedos it's not a fault of the AI just like owning a gun isn't going to turn you into a murderer, if you're a murderer you'll just have a gun to do the deed with. That's not to say it shouldn't be removed or that it doesn't fall under current law regardless, but yeah it's just the framing.

I guess you wouldn't really be able to make the gun argument and have anybody in the UK understand that though lmao. It also always goes back to "think of the children!" which is always enough to get normies on board with selling away their freedoms and privacy. Like, I'd rather not trust the feds with knowing exactly where my kid is at all times, but despite most people distrusting the government a lot of them still eat that shit up.

Personally I think anyone who pays for AI art is a total chump lol, and doubly so if they know it's actually just filtered CP and they're using their actual credit card for it and shit. The fact that this is even lucrative for anyone is hilarious.

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 imagine getting an "unlimited fine" for having a pocket knife lmao what a joke

wtf does "unlimited fine" mean
pay $1mil or get in jail for 2 years - not much point, is there

@Corfiot @Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty the court just arbitrarily decides how severe your crime was and then they charge you based on that. I'm sure you'd be fined more for having 10 knives on you, or for having a knife that looks scary.

Unlimited fines seems to me to its face to discriminate against poorer people. Wealthy people can just pay $2mil and keep on carrying a scary knife the very next day. Poor people won't be able to pay, what then? Wouldn't you throw them in jail for not paying? So in the end it's trading jail time for money. I probably am missing something, I'm not into legal stuff
The fuck is gonna happen with a knife, i stab person and police and the police shoot me down?

@LodedDiaper @Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty it's the UK so they'll actually just chase you down on bikes and beat you with batons

Not a surprise coming from the country that bans basically everything.
Although to be completely fair there are actual good reasons to ban AI-generated CP.

@pettanko @Aldo2 i agree, for instance if the model used was based on CP or if the origin photo was CP. it would be good if an uploader was required to provide the model/seed/prompt that they used to get the image. if i were uploading AI stuff like that i'd definitely be doing that anyway just to cover my ass.

would have been nice if they brought up those talking points, that make actual sense. instead it's just the same shit over again.

@beardalaxy @pettanko

Again, like, that's the tragically and ironically hilarious thing.

They lazer-focus on AI generated art in general.

If they were really serious about taking this shit on, they'd have a much more specific and detailed focus rather than just "AI art bad!".

Yeah but since when has Britain been a serious country.

@pettanko @beardalaxy

I remember posting this on Fberg once the Brexit vote was counted.

Damn man :(

RIP Farage + loli

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