Lolicons are like the retarded "civnats" of pedophilia.

The people they constantly and slavishly appeal to hate them and will never stop calling them pedos, and they're too afraid to be actually based because they so love the mind-prison they made for themselves.

"I'm not a pedophile, I'm a lolicon!!"

"What is the English translation of "lolicon"?"

"N....Wh....N....Not like that!!!!!"

"Yeah, I agree with Romeo-Juliet clauses, and I think there should be awareness of minors having sex with each other before the official "AOC". It is normal, and it shouldn't be considered "pedophilic" to say so."

"ZOMGDOAMGOMG!!!!! He had sex with her when he was 16 and she was 11. Clearly that makes him an adult and he's an evil pedo and I love the authorities, send him to jail!!!!"

Some real principle flip-flopping going on. All to appear like the "normies".

@Aldo2 liking drawings and having contempt for predators, let alone ones who casually joke about their convictions, is based as hell. Why would I care what normies or kid diddlers think? For some kind of allegiance? Nahh I only stand with my 2D brethren :cunny_chad:

@beardalaxy you have no idea how cringe that post is...

Imagine being a Japanese loli/toddler artist and seeing that.

Absolute cringe.

You don't own what it is to be a "lolicon". You act like you do, but you don't.

Just like CivNats don't own what it is to be a "nationalist".

@Aldo2 @beardalaxy I don't see you speaking Japanese and hanging out in Japanese circles either

I might not be Japanese, but I am an artist and I say: fuck you and go fuck yourself with this shit

my craft is not for you to hide your criminal aspirations behind, and I am not a pedophile and never will be, normies be damned

and yes, I fucking own the 'lolicon' label just as dozens and dozens of artists with "MAPs DNI" in their bios

cope and seethe


@matana @beardalaxy

That photo looks like it was taken from some Western neckbeard's Reddit page, jfc.

The people on virtually every "lolicon" site that I visit are open about their attractions. I'm not saying anything I haven't head or seen hundreds of times.

We had a discussion about this once, years ago, Matana, where I brought up Nishi Iori (toddlercon/loli artist) who literally puts "pedo" on all his "characters'" clothing.

You said that when you tried searching him up, you could only find normal hentai. I told you to type in "toddlercon" after the artist name, and you never replied.

Ah, there we go, I'm a criminal, for thought. I'm a thought-criminal. Oh no!!! Anyway...

Yes, great. What a wonderful "free speech" instance, where the "rules" are "interpreted" (you know, like the KGB did) and you can't speak without someone wanting you banned.

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