Aight so work was actually pretty chill.
I forgot how easy my job is, heh.
Tempered by the news that one of the people who was part of my intake group is leaving on Thursday :(
Now there's just two of us left from the original group. Neck and neck.
"Hasan Piker!!! I'm coming to kill you!!!"
"...In the ring?"
"No! In real life!!!"
Even though this is basically my winter heating going up in smoke, you gotta hand it to the Russians.
They mastered the international trolling game.
So, like, when you think about it, the Roma/Gypsies are like the ultimate iteration of the AnCap/AnCom wet dream.
They don't give a fuck about economics. They don't give a fuck about the state. They don't give a fuck about borders. They don't give a fuck about the nation or people. They don't even really give a fuck about "private property" (unless its theirs).
And the largest they'll ever seriously get is a couple of caravans in a field/wood somewhere or a mob chasing a particularly wealthy tourist while claiming "I'm not Indian, I'm European!!".
OK, that last part was more-so a joke......Or was it?
NazBol GANG!!
And furthermore, neoliberalism/neoconservatism delenda est.
You can also see the cognitive dissonance in the "diverse" replies.
There's one that says "I agree, but not all White people". OK, so you agree that all White people but not all White people?
There isn't a "third option" for anyone, regardless of which race or ethnic group you belong to.
There is the straightfoward option, and there is the self-flagellation or self-imposed retardation option.
"To be White is to be racist". Thereby, to be "anti-racist", one has to naturally be "anti-White".
Most people (with a brain) can recognize the obvious cognitive dissonance there. I.e. "to be anti-racist, one has to be racist".
But I think it has to be stressed, that the time of the "we all bleed red"/"I don't see colour" responses is way behind us.
When presented with the language used in this video, you have two possible options (as a White person):
1.) You end up (like some in the comments have) agreeing with the OP that Whites are racist, and that this is a horrible thing that has to be rectified. Thereby the only way a White person can truly not be racist is to kill themselves or to destroy their own line/people (of course, none of the responses say that, they just say some waffly phrase like "it made me really think". Yeah, it made you think about killing yourself).
2.) You agree with the OP, but for the wrong reasons. We are different; We do "see colour"; We are not all the same, and it would probably be better for everyone if we separated.
I'm sorry to say, but there isn't really a "middle ground" left anymore. This is increasingly the choice you are being left with. And the lolbert response of "I choose not to choose" is not going to help in any way whatsoever, except to just reinforce that lolbertarianism promotes a selfish egotism.
It's amazing how the ordinary person doesn't realize their disdain for even an iota of (in this case, imagined) "antisemitism" (and just "racism" in general) does not come from a place of love or whatever, but from a place of fear. They fear consequence. They are afraid. They are forced, through fear, into accepting policy unquestioningly.
They fear saying something, and then the mob coming after them and attacking not only them, but their families; their children. They fear a (pun intended) Biblical response.
How can a group of people be so powerless; so weak, and yet they're able to control a bloodthirsty mob and direct it as they see fit against the slightest infraction?
How are they able to have so much power, that they don't even need to physically direct the mob. The mere thought. The mere thought about a thought. That is enough to make people panic and then recant things that they haven't even said. It's like a CIA blacksite torture session. They'll say anything, anything to get the torture to stop, to make the fear for their life go away.
That is a giant amount of power there. And yet, no one ever talks about that power (for obvious reasons).
How can we have "brotherhood" when the "brother" we have is forcing us to "love" him, essentially under pain of death. That's not a "loving" relationship, that is 100% an abusive one.
I don't know man, whatever...