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We keep getting told how Indians are so smart, but I swear man, the ones I work with are the lowest of the low in terms of intelligence.

More akin to apes than us. It's crazy.

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Critical Drinker?

More like

Cringe-ical Drinker, tbqh...

...Before returning to the International Settlement, Yang Huimin asked what their plan was, and Xie stated "defend to the death"...

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I have to take a 'Vid swab test or whateverthefuck just to go to a New Year's party.

Fuck this shit.

Fuck it.

I'm this close to wanting to nuke the Indian subcontinent in general, tbqh.

Still amazed how this actually happened irl. He ran through an enemy-held town all by himself, and then ran back to his company after establishing communications with Item.

Merry Christmas, I'm going for a morning wake and bake.

Thank the lawd the family got through the majority of their 'vid shpeel before I sat down to join them for dinner.

I find any talk about 'vid fucking insufferable.

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Aldo boosted
Aldo boosted

"Some mail asking you to apply for the booster just came"

"I'm not gonna get it"

"You know, you'll eventually have to get it to go places"

"That just makes me not want to get it more"

Lunch conversation with family...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.