Interesting story.
Apparently the Russians are so low on ammunition and equipment that they're (apparently) repurposing old S-300 systems for ground bombardment.
Or so the BBC says.
Anyone with a brain, and memory, is familiar with the myriad of cases of Ukrainian air-defenses (mostly S300 as well) not hitting their intended targets and falling down on civilian areas.
This fact is well-documented.
"Every year we say this is a "state of emergency", right? But who here is actually treating it as a state of emergency?"
I guess you can say my view on "cultural assimilation" is shaped by my experiences from living in the Middle East as a Yte Devil (I joke, they love Ytey over there).
When I was growing up, I was enthralled with the culture, the people, the religion etc... I never sought to learn about that stuff so I could criticize it for alterior motives. As as consequence, I have only good things to say about the Omani people.
Of course, the Middle East is not liberal-"democratic" Europe/America, so that doesn't mean there weren't rules to learn and accept.
I think that's the difference with what we see from recent immigrants and especially their children (who sadly are indoctrinated to hate the country which let them in).
They come here, and then end up criticizing the very country that accepted them, down to its core. Thrusting onto the natives "original sin" style crimes.
Why travel around the World just to criticize your new hosts for not being as "open-minded" as yourself?
Another case of the BBC projecting on behalf of the EU/NATO.
China recently proposed a peace-deal, as a third-party with no clear stake in the conflict.
The West responded by dismissing it out of hand, and then agitated China over Taiwan again.
Now the EU wants to "talk tough" with China, because apparently the Chinese "won't listen".
Read that again.
The most obstinate group in this entire >8 year conflict (the West) is calling China (a neutral party) obstinate and unwilling to listen.
This is utter insanity
1 in 6 people across the globe are, mysteriously, infertile.
Hell World.
Notice how Western media covers "their side" in sympathetic fashion, and yet covers the "other side" in a cold or even antagonistic fashion.
19 injured, and 1 killed in a clearly terrorist attack, most likely perpetrated by the same group (or a SBU offshoot) that went into Bryansk.
My friend likes to big-up the so-called "partisan war". And yet, at the moment, it appears that these "partisans" have inflicted more civilian casualties than military.
Double-irony is that for the very same "partisan" reason, the Ukrainian Army and SBU/Federal "services" go around kidnapping/executing anyone considered to be neutral/pro-Russian.
If the argument is that the "right-wing darlings" (i.e. Matt Walsh, Bon Spiro, Michael Knowles) and their "anti-trans rhetoric" is what led to the murderous trans child-killer doing what they did, why does that same logic not apply to White, male mass shooters, who have explicitly stated the propaganda against White people (and White men in particular) as a reason for their "outburst" in their "manifestos"?
In that case, the list of "darlings" would be even greater, from the bottom right to the top.
If Aubrey Hale was a "victim", then so was Dylan Roof, Brenton Tarrent, Timothy McVeigh (if you're going to go with the narrative that he was a WN when he did the deed), etc... etc...
Obvious foreign intelligence asset arrested, more news at 11.
It's funny, because even though this is AI-generated, it's most likely something Hasan would say during an untaped rant to himself.
The Pikey faggot.
I joke about Ukraine becoming irradiated due to all this, but now it seems like that is actually going to happen.
These are the same people who blew up their own dams and tried attacking their own nuclear power plant.
The Ukrainian government truly hates not only Russians and Russian speakers, but also their own Ukrainians...
Sigma Grindset Rule No. 4,253,621:
Always start out a confrontation with police by threatening to kill them and their dog, but then mellow out and apologize for the earlier foul-language.
Got told by a friend that I was arguing "in bad faith" by stating that Russia is most likely going to win, and that their actions were in response to attacks on Russo-Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine, and that Ukraine never was sincere during negotiations.
They then proceeded to counter my claim that Ukraine is seeking an ethnic-cleansing operation in Crimea by arguing that only "a few" Russians would be killed or expelled in such a scenario (mostly immigrants who arrived in 2014; all "Putinites").
They talk about "humiliating Russia" and how "Russians are pussies". It's like they're totally ignorant of the extremity to which they've been propagandized.
Any Russian/neutral claim is "baseless", and only Western sources ("unnamed official statements") are accepted.
There is something exceedingly disturbing about this.
I'm not a Hijabi supporter (not neccesarily, at least), but I don't go around tearing them off random Muslim women's heads.
"Sexual minorities" have free reign. Totally free reign. There is hardly anything stopping them, at this point.
On the posting they have a paragraph about how they want to make a "Queer work environment" where "everyone is empowered".
They have another paragraph about how the group "Stands With Ukraine" and wants refugees to apply.
Fucking Christ, my soul is being crushed by this...
I don't know man, whatever...