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A very strange article to be coming out of the BBC.

They first state that the U.S. representative who made an unfounded remark issued an apology.

But then they call a South African MP who criticized the "bullyish" nature of the United States "bullish".

Then they try to provide evidence affirming the claim from the U.S. representative that said representative just apologized for.

Then they end by saying "well, South Africa is closer to the West, sooo.....And if they don't then we'll wreck their economy".

I think the Elite are in full schizo-mode atm. Nothing they say makes sense. All their lies are coming apart at the same time, and they can't stick them back together with more lies (as they did before).

Even in their ideal World, who do they think will have the best qualifications or even be the ones applying for a "policing" role?

Certainly not baristas.

Most likely vets or people who otherwise know how to deal with physical confrontations.

Reminder that, contrary to what American media like to speculate, the actual losses for both sides of the war were around equal, maybe even a little bit in favor of the North Vietnamese/NLF.



My arms aren't big enough to do the "HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" variation yet :(

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Enjoy this 20+ minute compilation of the last month's kamikaze drone strikes on Ukrainian positions.

Courtesy of R&U videos, the GOAT of real Youtoob war-journalism.

Odd that the U.S. still engages in occasional drone/air strikes in the area, and yet never thought to kill the "mastermind" behind the last major attack on U.S. personnel during the Occupation...

...No, that was left to the Taliban, the only real enemy of ISIS in the area...

Odd that.....Isn't it?

Interesting story.

Apparently the Russians are so low on ammunition and equipment that they're (apparently) repurposing old S-300 systems for ground bombardment.

Or so the BBC says.

Anyone with a brain, and memory, is familiar with the myriad of cases of Ukrainian air-defenses (mostly S300 as well) not hitting their intended targets and falling down on civilian areas.

This fact is well-documented.

"Every year we say this is a "state of emergency", right? But who here is actually treating it as a state of emergency?"

I guess you can say my view on "cultural assimilation" is shaped by my experiences from living in the Middle East as a Yte Devil (I joke, they love Ytey over there).

When I was growing up, I was enthralled with the culture, the people, the religion etc... I never sought to learn about that stuff so I could criticize it for alterior motives. As as consequence, I have only good things to say about the Omani people.

Of course, the Middle East is not liberal-"democratic" Europe/America, so that doesn't mean there weren't rules to learn and accept.

I think that's the difference with what we see from recent immigrants and especially their children (who sadly are indoctrinated to hate the country which let them in).

They come here, and then end up criticizing the very country that accepted them, down to its core. Thrusting onto the natives "original sin" style crimes.

Why travel around the World just to criticize your new hosts for not being as "open-minded" as yourself?

Another case of the BBC projecting on behalf of the EU/NATO.

China recently proposed a peace-deal, as a third-party with no clear stake in the conflict.

The West responded by dismissing it out of hand, and then agitated China over Taiwan again.

Now the EU wants to "talk tough" with China, because apparently the Chinese "won't listen".

Read that again.

The most obstinate group in this entire >8 year conflict (the West) is calling China (a neutral party) obstinate and unwilling to listen.

This is utter insanity

1 in 6 people across the globe are, mysteriously, infertile.

Hell World.

It's interesting how our understanding of language is used against us.

For example, the anti-war protests are called "pro-Russia rallies" by the Western media.

Conversely, the pro-war rallies are called "anti-invasion protests".

Notice how Western media covers "their side" in sympathetic fashion, and yet covers the "other side" in a cold or even antagonistic fashion.

19 injured, and 1 killed in a clearly terrorist attack, most likely perpetrated by the same group (or a SBU offshoot) that went into Bryansk.

My friend likes to big-up the so-called "partisan war". And yet, at the moment, it appears that these "partisans" have inflicted more civilian casualties than military.

Double-irony is that for the very same "partisan" reason, the Ukrainian Army and SBU/Federal "services" go around kidnapping/executing anyone considered to be neutral/pro-Russian.

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