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"300 En no Otsukiai" was the first loli hentai I ever saw, and it still puts me in a hot sweat watching it again, even after all this time.

If you're wondering why the authorities aren't black-bagging you yet, it's probably because you're too old:

"Young people are viewing “dehumanising content”, including extreme pornography - says Mr Jukes - and being asked in online groups “to prove themselves by producing more and more extreme content”.
This includes terrorist material created using artificial intelligence, he says, with gaming being one of the “gateways” into extremism online.

"Topper, I was so young, just a schoolgirl. He was an older man, so wise in the ways of the world. He used to come around the schoolyard, day after day. I so admired his persistence. Even the restraining order my parents slapped on him was no deterrent. He opened my eyes to the arts: music, clog-dancing, WrestleMania. His work has meant so much to so many. And I owe him everything, Topper. Everything."

Watching all those 80's-90's comedy films again, just to find out that virtually 100% of them have at least 1 obvious pedo joke in them.

"Did you hear, the Israelis say that they killed the bad guy on our side!!!"

"Oh wow, I can't believe the Israeli enemy would only kill only the bad guys and never any of our civilians!"

"Yes, totally, I completely agree with both you and Israel!"

"Yes, I love Israel and wish this war would end so we can all have "peace""

"Yes, I love Israel"

This is the extent of the "evidence" Israel has of Al Qassam's defence chief being killed.

A ridiculous "phone-call" between "Palestinians" which just clarifies every "claim" that the IDF makes while also praising the IDF and attacking Hamas...

I just discovered speculoos spread and my mind is blown.

It's like a better, healthier version of nutella...


Israelis think war is just like a vidya gayme.

Palestinians are the better players tho...

"America has to embrace and become what it truly is -- a kind of glorified global parasite with a massive welfare-consumer class, run by a tiny clique of canny bankers, backed up by the spearpoint of a ruthless Prussian warrior caste." - American (living in Japan) "Dissident" Colin Liddell.

Never trust a Zionist.

Just, never trust them.


It's one of those days where I just want to take out a loan and use it to travel to the Middle East so I can join a "terrorist" group and fight the IDF before being martyred.

Just one of those days...

I imagine in a couple of years, Nick Fuentes might even argue in favor of marrying a 13 year old.

Based White Sharia?

I mean, the AOC is not 18 per se, but like, everything here is becoming increasingly Americanized.

If I were dating a 16 year old, we'd still have to remain very much on the down-low.

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