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Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted

@picandor Didn't it change up a lot from last time? I honestly don't even kniw what it stands for anymore. Glad I don't have to care

Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted

For a show made by and for niggers, the Boondocks would 100% not happen in 2021.

@xianc78 "you're perfect the way you are!" is probably the absolute worst advice you can ever give someone, but that's what everyone wants to hear.

Bunn0241 boosted

@xianc78 What do you expect? Making a difference in a local community requires tradable skills, persevearance, good will, hard work, communication... Much harder than donating spare change to some random charity organisation. Don't worry though, no one actually cares about children in africa. It's just a point everyone uses to get the moral high ground.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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