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Credens Justitiam by Yuki Kajiura is undoubtedly the most bitter-sweet, tragic piece I have ever heard, especially so when in context.

Been picking up programming back again after a long while. It's just as fun as I remembered :peepoAngery: :peepoAngery: .

Side note: How is a literal ideology such as OOP still the industry standard, that shit fucking sucks. I don't wanna have to download the source code and look through 15 different .h and .cpp files to see and example of how to render stuff to the screen using SDL2. All of the code using that piece-o'-shit paradigm can be boiled down to a few well-named functions anyways...

Been playing some Melty Blood and Under Night In Birth. I don't know the story of either of those titles but god does it feel good to just press buttons and fly around the screen.

I still can't believe I've lived my whole life up until 3 days ago without having Madoka Magica on my mind 24/7. It is THAT good.

Side note: there is so much untapped potential for a fighting game, it's actually depressing that there just isn't one out yet. Maybe something in the style of Guilty Gear or Melty Blood, gameplay-wise.

Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted

To that one bitch that thought her cat was trans, cut its genitalia and "dilated" it: An amazon prime, next day death sentence would not even come close to the punishment you deserve.

I absolutely hate installation processes that aren't 99% automated. Ideally, the process should be: click "install", go have a sandwich, come back to an installed, already running program. Instead, you have to proactively wait until the installer arbitrarily asks for my presence, attention, and input for things it should not have access to or care about.

Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted

Imagine paying £40 for Guilty Gear Strive only to pick Chipp, fly around and get deleted by everyone on the roster.

I simply speed up the process.

Bunn0241 boosted

If you're on the fence about buying Guilty Gear: Strive, do youself a favour and do it. Honestly, it is so much fun! They made a lot of changes from the previous titles (a sort of "restart" of the series like in Street Fighter 5 or Tekken 7), so it's a great place to start even if you're new to the Guilty Gear series.

Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted
Bunn0241 boosted

Why do some women turn themselves to total clowns when using makeup? Do they realy have no idea what does "pretty" look like?

Tried to read an article on the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality on 1 paragraph in and my head already hurts.

We have highly descriptive and detailed records on the origin of many words and how they have evolved in use and meaning. Yet, a word created in the 21st century somehow still does not have a proper definition. What the actual fuck....

And no, "X means different things to different people" is not a definition.

Bunn0241 boosted

@alyx @picandor @Jdogg247
This is the alphabet soup problem over again.
Do you support gays?
I mean gays, lesbians and bisexuals...
I mean gays, lesbians, trannies, pedofiles, necrofiles, redditors, bisexuals....

WTF? :blobcatsweat:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.