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no I'm not kinning sylveon because they didn't even exist when i was born man. how would i be able to kin that? unless you only get your soul when you turn 13 or something
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I'm a dragon who pretends to be a sylveon on the internet
Remind to do 1 drug, so drug does not break rule. 2 or more drug become drugs.

Disney To Introduce New LGBTQ Superhero Whose Superpower Is Turning Invisible In International Markets 

2020-02-28, 23:00:25

re: some weak gab content 

@wgahnagl @l0wk3y that's like... just not good logic. Unless you block everyone who federates with this instance, too.

unfortunately silenced for fashiness, having a crappy moderation policy, bad vibes, and... being a pleroma instance. u__u

[BOT POST] politics 

"terrorism is bad", says the fucking fascist

[BOT POST] politics 

juche is a fun game where you get rid of industrial civilisation to create industrial civilisation

You ever look deep into a rat's eyes, kiss him and wonder how anyone could hurt these heavenly angels? It was such a wonderful experience, my lips are still tingling, and my throat keeps getting choked up in coughs. I'm so pale I look ready to be fitted for a halo and wings, though I am a bit cold. Truly they are gods creatures.

Greta "Goblina" Thunder(burg)(er) will be here whether you like her or not, unless that hole in the ozone decimates all life on earth (wink wink nudge nudge).

@holot @p working support for apple was the most 1on1 i had with the OS and that was years ago, but i did enjoy putting people on hold to see what the terminal could do and forget what i was helping with because i'd be stoned at work

The only thing that can defeat Donald Trump is coronavirus, and I'm going to be that coronavirus that defeats Donald Trump.

>when you discover a cool feature in your window manager that you didn't know about
Turns out middle clicking the top bar sends the window to the bottom layer and focuses on whatever window was most recently focused on before it. Seems extremely niche but I guess it could be useful.

@pasture @1iceloops123 @J @a7 @druid

i can’t even tell what’s copypasta and what’s fresh-baked cringe anymore
People seriously underestimate how long I have waited for opportunities to ruin lives and how viciously I will happily act on grudges from even decades ago.

They don't take undue headspace. That's how you let yourself get consumed by hatred. Such feelings are like a supernova that burn themselves out uselessly.

No, the way to do it is to calmly commit the event to memory. File it away neatly. Keep a list.

Then when you get the chance, when the opportunity is there to deal the most damage - you act on it. Without moral reasoning, without internal reflection, without hesitation. Like a spy who's lived an ordinary life for twenty years suddenly hearing his trigger phrase and snapping into programming.

Sometimes it causes remorse later, but on the whole I find it's worth it to ensure that anyone who has done something sufficiently displeasing, no matter how long ago it was or how much distance they put between themselves and the action, or how much they develop and change, can ever truly rest.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.