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It's fucked up I can't be horny on main without being called a creep or looking like an indian guy. I want to say shit like "I would suck every inch of you" under people's fashion posts but I know they would embarrass me DX


@shoulderdemon Yea I kind of wish I didn't vent my feelings here so much a bunch of nice people stopped talking to me

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

@ThrowawayAI @Jazzy Kendrik Lamar put out a diss track in less than 24 hours as a response to Drakes diss, where he basically calls Drake a pedophile, a bad father, a liar, and human garbage. And I have nothing against pedophiles but I have a lot against creepy beardos who use their fame to manipulate high school girls one after the other like they're kit-kats. Fuck Drake hope he dies.

Seeing public opinion on Drake shift is giving me an orgasm. Fuck that fake poser bitch creep.

If they really make porn illegal people are going to smuggle porn in their neural link hole like Johnny Pneumonic.

Jazzy boosted

What's the difference between an insulator and a conductor? THE AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY MUWAHAHHAHAHAHA- *cough* it's the amount of electricity. With enough power even non conductive mediums can become routes for current to travel along or between.

When chimps hold down a screaming monkey and peel strips of flesh from its back for no apparent reason other than amusement, does this count as playing a musical instrument?

If I had my shit together I'd get a job where I could help people and be a safe person for them. I have severe agoraphobia that I developed after several incidents of what I would call kidnapping but what was legally considered consensual. Because I am not legally a victim I have no recourse. Anyway it fucks my shit up bad. I hope one day I can heal and be a protector of people who suffer abuse at the hands of "authority" figures, even if it's just to say in back rooms when no one else is listening "You're not crazy, I believe you."

Jazzy boosted

i ran a cross a post on twitter about a golden week gold micro bikini.
i want to draw at leaat 2 more, but work

I worry that the elites are attacking our reproductive organs with chemicals so that the only people who will be able to reproduce are those who can afford invitro.

I'm torn because on one hand I hate religious extremists but on the other hand I hate tyrants. This is so hard.

@ThrowawayAI Is there really a draft? When the cats are away the mice will play! Lots of betamale cripples in ww2 got all the homeland pussy while the chads were sent to war. Fax. Lots of cases of indefinitely and a guy coming home to a pregnant wife he couldn't have impregnated.

Jazzy boosted

@perfect_brains I was in the forest you dip I need to identify a plant before eating it so I don't die

I had to rephrase from the word weed to the word plant for the search results to show me anything but cannabis ads.

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