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DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

Intrusive thoughts 

It's not fair that females get all the dick. I want that dick. I want that dick in my ass.

DJazzo boosted

Man if my dad was Goku I would sniff and suck his hard cock every day and drink his cum

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

Onii-San... I thought you said you had Smash🎮
Why are we on the bed? 😯
#shota #shotacon #gay #yaoi

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

@matrix May he rest in peace and his soul find mercy in repentance but also that his victims find eternal peace and joy somewhere better

The ones who stuck by me when I was a pedophile = The real ones
The ones who stuck by me when I was a racist = The real ones
The ones who stuck by me when I was a sadist = The real ones
The ones who stuck by me when I was a masochist = The real ones
The ones who stuck by me when I was a zoophile = The real ones
You're all cool.

DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.