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Jazzy boosted

What's the difference between an insulator and a conductor? THE AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY MUWAHAHHAHAHAHA- *cough* it's the amount of electricity. With enough power even non conductive mediums can become routes for current to travel along or between.

When chimps hold down a screaming monkey and peel strips of flesh from its back for no apparent reason other than amusement, does this count as playing a musical instrument?

If I had my shit together I'd get a job where I could help people and be a safe person for them. I have severe agoraphobia that I developed after several incidents of what I would call kidnapping but what was legally considered consensual. Because I am not legally a victim I have no recourse. Anyway it fucks my shit up bad. I hope one day I can heal and be a protector of people who suffer abuse at the hands of "authority" figures, even if it's just to say in back rooms when no one else is listening "You're not crazy, I believe you."

Jazzy boosted

i ran a cross a post on twitter about a golden week gold micro bikini.
i want to draw at leaat 2 more, but work

I worry that the elites are attacking our reproductive organs with chemicals so that the only people who will be able to reproduce are those who can afford invitro.

I'm torn because on one hand I hate religious extremists but on the other hand I hate tyrants. This is so hard.

Jazzy boosted

I had to rephrase from the word weed to the word plant for the search results to show me anything but cannabis ads.

Can't learn about local weeds like wilderness plants without the results being nothing but marijuana crap (I like pot but this is stupid)

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Jazzy boosted

Look into Laikael's eyes, your sight will soon burn and blind you 🌟

Jazzy boosted

I guess part of being a good fren is absorbing traumadumping :sadhug:

*Deep inhale*
*Big relax*
Ah, which of you guys knows the pleasure of doing an old timey oath with the love of your life and having her reciprocate instead of treating you like a weirdo? I mean I didn't get down on one knee or anything but I basically said ayyyy you're my number 1, I ducked up last time but this time you're my number 1, so any time you need help lemme know, and I'll do my best, you're important, you matter. And like I don't own you and stuff we're friends...very 💦 good friends...but I respect you and NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY STORIES LALALLALALALALALA I HEAR NOTHING LALALALLALALLALA LETS SEE WHAT'S PLAYING ON THE RADIO LALLALALAAL

If women care about narratives more than men doesn't that mean women care more about political narratives more than men do? And if that's the case doesn't that mean women could accurately predict political outcomes based on their understanding of narrative and context? Is this where Oracle myths came from?

I wish I lived in a post apocalyptic world with no regulatory commissions or laws so I could put out an advertisement for a business that kills rapists, like an exterminator for termites but the termites are rapists

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Looking for monsters part 2 Velma needs a hand :blobreachdrool:

Commission for anon. Thanks for commissioning :blobcatgooglypencil:

#scoobydoo #velma_dinkley #daphne_blake #loli #bestiality #horse #slut

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