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*end of long beautiful opera that was coherent and made sense* "Oh, fedi frens!!" *drops to knees* "OH, FEDI FRENS!!!" *writhes and tears clothes, orchestra building to crescendo* "OOOHHHH FEDIIIII FRENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNS!!!!!" *big orchestra lift and finale, curtain closes and crowd cheers 100% cheer rate*

I feel really bad sometimes like even fedifrens hate me and like I've lost 90% of fedifrens (I love you fedifrens who stick around even though I'm unpopular)


Little story how he tore me a new one

in the heart with his art he developed in part,

due to the fact he lacked and got lapped every time he tried to lick

On a dick or clit, whether or not geriatric

So this son of a bitch, who was a bitch of a bitch

Come around smooth cause he know I won't snitch

Tellin me with bravery just because his jealousy got him actin up like he thought my name was Chelsey

Yea he raped my girl, she tried to push him off her, he just kept on laughing, so I had to make the offer

Mother fucker that's so funny, you sure showed that cunt, yo let's go spend some money, and post up where they hunt

Great idea replied the psycho, you're my only friend, but he wasn't saying that when it was the end.

He thought he was the big bad, but it's me, he was sad, when he saw my shiney special blade.

Didn't like the way this tyke in littlespace and like a bike did ride his filthy dirty richboy ass,

With a blade and no bandaid till his eyes did glossy fade the penalty for savagery is TWICE, TIMES TWICE, TIMES TWICE.

I'm on some new medication to level me out so sorry if my posts stop banging

DJazzo boosted

コミケ初頒布はオフセット版「ゲームハンター小嵐ちゃん」「ゲームハンター小嵐ちゃん Lv.2」そして「妹・オブ・ザ・デッド The Beginning」の3冊です。

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DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted
DJazzo boosted

THEY'VE DRIVEN SPOCK INSANE!?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! -me watching old star trek getting really into it

I'm sorry fedi frens for almost cracking under the pressure but it's ok, we'll all be ok, tomorrow is always coming and a new day could bring a cure for what may ail you. Hope. Hope. Hope. Keep hoping. It's good to hope, it feels good, hope isn't impatient so don't worry, hope is good, I promise.

I don't like when I believe that this is a simulation and that I can't be sure anyone but me is real, and really I also can't be sure if I'm real I might be an AI trained to think it's real. But now I believe that this is real, life is real, and tomorrow will always come. Live like tomorrow is promised, and find peace. Also the world keeps going even when you sleep.

I've been crying every day for the last 3 day because of panic attacks and mr rogers helps because he was a figure I saw in childhood so his lessons really hit home and I'm learning to be not a douche bag and piece of shit (or as mr Rogers would say I would learn to do things the right way instead of the wrong way).

Hey guys I've been doing prayer and watching a lot of mr Rogers and this is the first day I haven't compulsively masturbated (I still looked at and appreciated porn and got boners but I didn't go to fap I just appreciated and moved on and did more prayer and watched more Mr Rogers). That man was a saint, I'm serious if he was Catholic he deserves sainthood. Fuck a miracle saint him now his life was the fucking miracle.

Some people talked about their lobotomies as being very nice and peaceful, no more pain or stress and they feel at peace, then other people feel the opposite, they end up in an eternal hell of irregular behavior and agitation. Part of me wishes I could just have peace and positivity at all times, no fear, no pain, no dread, but maybe those things are ok as long as there's good feelings too.

I hope to have a sexual relationship with someone who's nice asap I'm so lonely T-T

Me when I see a hot sexy fitness grandma on instagram: MMMMMMmmmm (I make a sound like I genuinely just tasted something really good like a delicious ice cream or chocolate or whatever you like the most. Then, I might say out loud something like "Damn grandma... I'm eatin your pussy..." and then I move on with my day

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