*Grabs dick (it's a dildo)* *Bursts on stage* *Swag* *Shoots enema water from anus in your direction* *Smiles and laughs* *Crowd cheers* *Starts rapping*
Lemon Squeezy
Went to the beach and it was
Ate out a peach and it was
Spit out my teeth
After the queef
It was no beef
It was that seafood
Sea dude
Fish pie
Sky high
Deep sea
Pie dive
Since I've stopped masturbating every day due to my constant fear and anxiety my orgasms have been much more enjoyable and my gloop has been much more volumous. I often have been embarrassed by low gloop output but I am feeling much better and more confident since my gloop discharge has gone up by around 10 times at least. Don't be too impressed, that means I gloop a tablespoon now instead of a few ml's. *hugs and gloops*
The rich choose fascism before FDR
Into the deep
The trench