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She could cure me but you keep us apart you sick fuck

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If I had a gf I wouldn't be so mentally unhealthy but you don't want to admit that

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The final map vs the final anti (with a guest appearance by pedomommy rooting on her map husband)

Hnnnnnnnggggg fat curvy stretchmarked pedomommy with plain jane face and big fat titties thin waist but chubby belly and fat ass with thick thighs and wides hips hnnnggggsss

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bf who slides his massive obvious bulge across kids' faces when passing by them in a park


All these boys want is to love the pedophiles who love them, I see no harm or danger here, I find in favor of the defendants, pedophilia is now legal, and may I say that in all my days as a judge who lives under a rock, I was never aware there was this sick trend of hateful bigotry taking place in this country, yes age of consent laws are nice when stopping RAPES, but these boys are clearly faggots, my ruling here will make all consensual acts of pedophilia now LEGAL! *bangs gavel* *Antis cry blood with red soyjack faces* *Maps and AAMS are kissing in the street like after WW2 on victory day, suddenly a bunch of celebrities and politicians come out like they were always in favor so they don't look like they were on the wrong side of history, and the world heals and gets way, way better and less evil and less hateful*


He dreams of being a femboy, he dreams of being a girly faggot woman with a dick and his biggest fear is adult anti religutard pieces of shit will stop him from getting the hormones he needs to make his slutty gorgeous dreams come true

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A boy who practices every day stretching his anus and his only desire is to satisfy men with lots of happy pounding sex

Intrusive bad thought/Fiction 

Boys are better wives
Women are only good for making more boys
And the cycle of endless boywives

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Jazzy boosted
alrighty. here's the 'letter to society' my therapist asked me to write. she liked it, and def supported me afterwards. so i guess that says something. anyways, after sitting on it for a week, here goes:

"We do not choose who we are in many ways. Formed by influences outside our control, or even awareness.

I do not choose how I feel love. All I can do is feel it deeply, and aim to do something positive with that love. I will not be rid of it, nor will I purposely avoid the subject of my passion. To cease loving is equal to ceasing to breathe. So I love, so I can live.

Don't take that as a threat. I love at a distance. Though I wish intimacy, I provide support and mentorship. I need not seek prospective lovers. They seek me. Often, the products neglect wishing to be seen, or natural rebels desiring freedom. Whatever draws them to me, they desire my touch and intimacy as part of their actualization. I instead offer these kids friendship.

I don't do this out of pure ethics. Only adherence to the law. I know the nature of my work, and I don't risk my precarious position as an outed YAP. The ethics of Kid/Adult relationships are a topic for another time. As a previous little friend, I know what joy is possible. I also know society is arranged in a way to make that joy difficult to achieve.

Naturally, I side with those I love. I implore we listen to them. That they be liberated. Not be bound as property to parents. Those that choose us must be heard. So listen! Pedos can't be the only ones that care about the agency and consent of kids.

I call for Youth Liberation. Not due to some pretext of getting a date. As stated, if I wished that, I only need rebel against the law.

I call for it because I grow angry at the abuse and mistreatment of kids. A condition propagated by robbing kids' their personhood. Neither property, nor tabula rasa, but people in need of compassion, and what guidance they desire.

'It takes a village' as it goes. We are your fellow villagers. I don't wish harm, and I hope I've made that clear in this short letter. I will not only argue for myself, but in favor of all those like me. We are many. Pushed to the shadows, we desire the warmth of the light. Dignity to exist openly.

The symbol for childlove is a sun. We desire the warmth of a bright day for those we love, and ourselves.

Until such a day dawns, my work continues."

Have I been talking to myself this entire time?

I don't like how I rarely see fedifrens greet the new morning by shouting out their window to all their fedizen frens like that town intro scene from beauty and the beast. What happened? Fediland feels like fucking bloodborne now.

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Jazzy boosted

Supplementary analysis suggested that boys are at increased risk of victimization because of their willingness to engage in deviant sexual activity. Boys initiated more than 37% of the abuse encounters and were over five times more likely to initiate abuse encounters than girls. The finding supports the idea that young people are not necessarily passive victims and that their sexual feelings increase their vulnerability.

What makes it abusive? Please define.

If you were sexy enough and you shitted on me I wouldn't mind. Just don't shit in my mouth, ears, nose, or eyes. I'm not saying I want you to shit just if you're hot and I love you I wouldn't mind, no sweat babe, no drama.

Woah lot of drama going on with streamer HoboGoblinSlayerMaxxx37 it's sad to see how he threw it all away

This is what it's like not knowing who any of the famous people are because you're old.

Fedifrens don't know my emotional state, so let me show you, let me show you how sad I am, this is my tone, I am so sad, I'm so stuck :(

I just need a gf to take care of me even if it's sexless

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