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Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

If you like watching people have sex does that make you a cuck? Or does it mean you have a cuck mindset at least?

I don't like how bbcs are so shiney still but I'm still done being a racist

Jazzy boosted

tried explaining some artistic concepts to a friend, realized i needed images to go along with it, realized i needed ps and ended up with this. figured i might as well post it for the gang - fwiw i don't consider myself a teacher at all and this is less pure advice and more of a possible set of ways to frame how you look at images

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

The August supporter character vote winner - Harriet The Spy

Wanna suggest a character for next time?

Non four eyes versions available for all of em if for some reason you're not into glasses :blobnerd:

Jazzy boosted

End the hatred
Spread the love
I'm tired of hatred!
I'm tired of hatred!!
Cover me completely in peace
and love.
I love you,
as you are.
You are welcome wherever I am.
I love you.
*orchestra really picking up now into a happy crescendo*
On the banks of the ocean,
fedi fren.
I love you,
fedi fren.
I will not part from you, fedi fren.
You've picked my brain, you know my everything, and you say you're enamoured!
I'm surprised!
Fedi fren,
I'm surprised you see the value in me.
I love you for that,
fedi fren
you know that?
I love you for so much more
as well.

Jazzy boosted

We are disappointed by the now-longstanding decision of @medium to restrict free guest access to Luke Malone's 2014 article about teenage pedophiles and the challenges they face in seeking support.

For over a decade, this article has played a pivotal role in the lives of young MAPs, showing them that support exists and encouraging them to look for it, as well as giving them a foundation to ask friends and family members for help.

Medium's move harms these teenagers and the friends and family members who seek to understand them. It also restricts a vital source of accurate information about child protection, impeding initiatives in that area.

Due to the incredibly tense situations that arise when minor MAPs disclose their attractions, we are not comfortable recommending that they ask friends and family to sign up for an account to understand the full context of an article. It is with great sadness that we have removed the link from our FAQ for minor MAPs about discussing their attractions with friends and family members.

If you have a Medium account with access to paid content (or remaining free monthly quota), you can check out the article here:

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Fedifrens not being in such big agreement with me like they used to be is making me spiral!!!!

I theorize that in a world where grown women do not give boys "sexual" (what is sexual?? You mean LOVING??????) hugs those boys grow up to be utterly and incurably insane due to the neglect.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.