Sock and tired of the demonization of heteronormative behavior. It's highly offensive to and dismissive of heterosexuals like me, but most hets are societally pressured into silence, for fear of being called "anti-woman" or "intolerant".

Spare the BS, third wave feminists. 🙄

I was zhinking about this ideology a lot, but it took me until I heard about abelism, that I realized, that these people love being the underdogs so much, that they would rather be born crippled, then use the gifts they have to do good in this world.

In other words, it's not an idiology of loosers, it's torse. it's an ideology hating sucess in any form immaginable.

@LukeAlmighty @realcaseyrollins They even think that pregnant women trying to prevent themselves from having a disabled child is or people trying to find cures for autism is ableist. They equate it to genocide and eugenics.

@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty I mean it's only genocide or eugenics if you kill the child through abortion or infanticide

@realcaseyrollins @LukeAlmighty Apparently, this is the case in Iceland. They have screenings that can detect if a fetus has down syndrome. Women almost always choose to terminate the pregnancy if the tests are positive.


@realcaseyrollins @xianc78
I am not even sure... Their life would be a lot more miserable and they would be a huge burden on society as a whole.

That being said, I am not really sure what to think about this topic. While I do consider technological advances as a total good, there are too many cases of people not being able to use it without a huge catastrophe right after.

For instance, lobotomy used to be considered a good practice. Teoretically it is just another medical finding, but the cost of people not seing it's results is pure nightmare fuel.

And honestly, I am not even sure, how huge will the price be for abortions, anti-conception and genetic modification, before we figure out the proper way to include these technologies into our society.

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