
@applejack @matrix
I could write a long autistic speech about how humans in pokemon world are literally a defferent species from us, that ha.......

But I will save my autism for another time.

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@LukeAlmighty @applejack @matrix
It's been confirmed multiple times that in the Pokémon world, humans are basically pokémon. And pokémon consistently show signs of being highly intelligent creatures. I'd say that for the psychic pokémon that's even more so applicable, so I don't see why they couldn't consent.

@alyx @applejack @matrix
Try watching the episodes with Sabrina. She is just as strong as any psychic pokemon out there.

@alyx @applejack @matrix
All of the thematic trainers aren't thematic because they like the topic. There are literally fighting humans, Psychic humans, Bug humans etc.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty @alyx @applejack @matrix it's also funny that the english word "after" means anus/butthole in german

@alyx @LukeAlmighty @matrix It's because people think of "consent" as this magic essence that things can only possess if they say it does instead of "I agree"

@applejack @alyx @matrix
> If it says "I agree"
> Is completelly informed of potential consequences
> Is over the age of 18
> And is not a woman (This point has more legal presedents, then all other combined)

@applejack @LukeAlmighty @matrix
The problem is when you make the distinction between consent and informed consent. People usually refer to the ladder in such discussions of whether something can give consent.

Sure, someone can give consent. But is the consent worth anything if they're a drooling vegetable that can't tie their own shoelaces?

@alyx @applejack @matrix
Informed consent does not even apply to adult women, so there's no need to go to vegetable extreme for this conversation.

@LukeAlmighty @applejack @matrix
I'm not sure what you mean by: "informed consent does not even apply to adult women"

@alyx @LukeAlmighty @applejack @matrix Women are not capable of making rational, informed decisions and understanding that their actions can and will have consequences. By definition they're incapable of giving informed consent.

@alyx @LukeAlmighty @matrix Informed of what? Penis goes in vagoo, squirts goo, lady gets baboo

@applejack @alyx @matrix
Seriously, it's not a correlation between measurements of quantum subsystems, even when spatially separated.

It is sperm goes in, baby goes out.

@LukeAlmighty @applejack @matrix
You'd both be surprised how little it takes for people to not even understand that.

Besides, it's not just about sperm goes in, baby comes out. It's about everything related to growing a baby. It's about understanding you might not be able to hold your job at some point. It's about understanding how much care babies need, if you don't want to fuck up their lives.
And while consenting to sex doesn't automatically mean you're planning for baby (you could be using protection), consenting for sex does mean you understand and accept the risk of still getting pregnant.

@alyx @applejack @matrix
I see.
Let me try another approach.

No sperm goes in, no baby comes out.

@LukeAlmighty @applejack @matrix
Let me try another approach. There are people who unironically will think kissing makes babies.

@alyx @applejack @matrix
You literally cannot structure your entire society (especially laws, that affect smartest people the most) on dumb child of lazy single mother who didn't bother to have the talk.

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