@matrix wait I don't see anything wrong with wearing a backpack, can someone tell me why?
@MK2boogaloo @matrix nothing, its a bitch that is used to being laughed at.
so she makes herself feel better by criticizing random things.
@Some_German_Guy @matrix I can see some women doing this irl, they're the reason why I loath that sex.

@MK2boogaloo @matrix @Some_German_Guy
I.... I just don't get it. It's hard to immagine being that kind of desperate. And I am a fucking incel.

How can people ever get so jaded?

@LukeAlmighty @MK2boogaloo @matrix man and woman are different.
with the end of all polite behavior, it brought out all the worst aspects in woman.
nothing is as petty, verdictive and full on destructive as a angry woman.
there is a reason why they were heavily policed though out history.
especially by each other.
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