@matrix @rher @matrix the dog doesnt seem to be overweight, I bet she barely feeds the poor thing and instead stuffs her disgusting gullet

@matrix Man are not supposed to carry a backpack? What they should use?


She went for the backpack because his skipping leg day would be too easy for her to get thrown back in her face


@matrix She’s just jealous because he can take his weight off.

@matrix wait I don't see anything wrong with wearing a backpack, can someone tell me why?
@MK2boogaloo @matrix I guess she thinks it's juvenile? Idk I don't listen to fat people
@matrix @MK2boogaloo @matrix Jabba the hutt is rightfully shaming the backpack-wearer as a real man has infinity-deep pockets and can put everything into them.
@matrix @MK2boogaloo @matrix >tfw was about to dunk on you but just realized I'm wearing sweatpants too right now
Well, I guess we're not so different after all :autismapproved:

@MK2boogaloo @Kerosene @matrix as a sweatpants fan, i disagree. my sweats start to fall off if my wallet's too fat.

@beardalaxy @matrix @beardalaxy @MK2boogaloo @matrix You have to counteract that with a raging erection so mr dick can keep your chadpants near your waist.
@MK2boogaloo @matrix nothing, its a bitch that is used to being laughed at.
so she makes herself feel better by criticizing random things.
@Some_German_Guy @matrix I can see some women doing this irl, they're the reason why I loath that sex.

@MK2boogaloo @matrix @Some_German_Guy
I.... I just don't get it. It's hard to immagine being that kind of desperate. And I am a fucking incel.

How can people ever get so jaded?

@LukeAlmighty @matrix @Some_German_Guy it's their mind bro, people's mind can get so dark that they started to spew some of the most disgusting thing out of their mouth.
@LukeAlmighty @MK2boogaloo @matrix man and woman are different.
with the end of all polite behavior, it brought out all the worst aspects in woman.
nothing is as petty, verdictive and full on destructive as a angry woman.
there is a reason why they were heavily policed though out history.
especially by each other.
@MK2boogaloo @matrix feminism and the death of the family did more damage then anyone thinks.
back in the day older woman would curpstump such behavior.
the worst thing that ever happend to the modern woman was the death of the matron.

Is she judging a guy for using the most useful peace of clothing ever created?

@matrix typical femfat if not for double standards no standards at all


Good god the diaspora are a broken and scattered people.



I'm sorry, should I've stored it in my skin flaps? Oh wait...
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