After reading so much ideology and philosophy I can't but help come to the conclusion that fascism is undeniably a left-wing ideology.

Well.... It's complicated.
Try the political triangle. It explains politics a lot to me. One of the main point is, whatever is the 1 value that is most important to you, you see the other two looks the same to you.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter men will make the politics triangle rather than going to therapy

@errante @Mr_NutterButter
Don't let me started again on why therapy is a death sentence to a man's sanity.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter jokes aside this isnt a very good taxonomy for politics (no such thing exists)
@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter even if you add a fuckton of axes it still remains inaccurate and unable to capture the nuances of positions (see 8values for an example of why adding more dimensions doesn't work)

just talk to people about what they believe rather than try and stick them on some retarded chart lol

@errante @Mr_NutterButter
except lack of clear categorization doesn't mean, that categories are pointless, or that they don't help.

There are infinite number of possible spoons, as well as forks. There is no "one fork", and you can even go in the middle and create spork.

But that doesn't matter, since the term "fork" is still extremely important to you for some reasons.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter > that categories are pointless, or that they don't help.

if they obscure reality, then they are no help whatsoever - a detriment. political labels do exactly that. have you had the delight of speaking to people who proclaim that anarchism is 'pro government'?

you can tell them they're wrong, sure, but they will continue to call themselves as such, and the label ceases to have meaning

> There is no "one fork"

plato would disagree~

@errante @Mr_NutterButter
Well, plato didn't have the misfortune of working on AI I guess...

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