After reading so much ideology and philosophy I can't but help come to the conclusion that fascism is undeniably a left-wing ideology.

Well.... It's complicated.
Try the political triangle. It explains politics a lot to me. One of the main point is, whatever is the 1 value that is most important to you, you see the other two looks the same to you.

The triangle tries to make false dychotomy fallacy into (ill)logical razor. It also cripples mind to think in someone’s made up geometry. It creates false authority in blind consumer of triangle and this authority can’t be questioned. Thus disinformed consumer will only lead to false and wrong assesments. Yet the triangle says absolutely nothing. What does it mean? It’s for those who don’t understand what (((2 sides of the same coin))) mean in politics.

Zadna levice ani pravice neni, obe ovladaji zide a co hlasaji nema nic spolecneho s tim co aplikuji. Jak si jinak obhajis, ze ex-komuniste jako Fiala a Schwab jsou dnes lidrama kapitalismu? Jak si obhajis, ze demokrate u nas v Evrope jsou pravice zatim co demokrate v USA jsou levice? Jak si obhajis, ze (na oko) uhlavni nepratele Marxismus a Kapitalismus bojovali ruka v ruce spolu v 2 svetove? No absurdismy neobhajis, protoze si to rozporuje a vyvraci se samo. Jedine, ze ses blazen, co si nemyslim. Ten kto :triangle: udelal si vycucal definice opet z zidovskeho mainstreamu na zaklade zidovskeho deleni. Ano tyhle 3 strany existuji a pouzivaji se s tema povrschnima definicema za primarni nastroj na divide et impera. NS, posleze ani Fasismus, neni ani jednim z nich na jejich porozumeni je MK a Fasistickej manifest. Pokud potrebujes politickej trojuhelnik tady je.

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