@Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong @NEETzsche
I see it as 10 year though, even if we start now.

While it's going to seem like a blink of an eye, these things have unbelievable ammount of innertia.

The backlash has been mounting for nearly a decade now. Just consider that Donald Trump, who was elected in 2016, was about, among other things, there being a political rebuttal to commiewokester garbage. After him, they increased their heavy-handedness. You should not view their heavy-handedness as a sign of strength, but of weakness, since they lie about how heavy-handed they are. They want to be perceived as legitimate, not as dictators, yet in order to get shit done they still need to be dictatorial. This tension means that every time they do dictatorial things, they deduct from their social capital. They don’t add to it.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
Weird, that you count 2016 as a backlash, because I see it as a starting point for the next level leftism. It was the year, when BLM decided to get violent at DePaul.

That was 7 years ago, and I still haven't seen the right do a SINGLE comperable demonstration of power.

I count 2016 as a backlash because the popular origins of modern wokesterism started on sites like Tumblr in the early 2010s. We can go back further and look at Cultural Marxism as understood by the Frankfurt School, which is the Jewish intellectual root of this wokesterism, but the actual movement hadn’t really materialized until the early 2010s. So 2016 was the first serious backlash to it. It might not appear as such because you’re living on another continent, but this conflict goes BACK.

As for comparable demonstrations of power, I can think of three very noteworthy right wing demonstrations: Charlottesville, the Bundy standoffs, and January 6. Boomercons might be misguided, but they’re the ones who had the first actual White race riot in like a century, and they brought it straight to the Capitol Building over a rigged election.

Given the heavy-handedness of the crackdown, an understanding has been created that if Whites smash a few cameras and shove a few cops around, they will go to Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, forever, and so an understanding has been created that if you do lash out, go ham. Maximize death and destruction. I should mention that American Whites have guns. So, the next January 6, if there is ever one, will involve just rounding everybody up and killing them outright until the military comes in, if they can even marshall it correctly now.

They are more desperate than they appear.


@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
I guess I am having problems accepting these protests, because they are still a normal antifa-tier riots at most.

But, there is not a single case of institutional support on the DePaul level.

Or, maybe I'm just dellusional about this stuff :D

They literally took over the Capitol Building. They had bitch baby politicians literally cowering in the chambers. They went into the Speaker of the House’s office, kicked their feet up, and rummaged through her papers. These people got blown the fuck out by an unarmed mob of cringe /r/TheDonald-tier boomers with MAGA hats and Kekistani flags. “We can take that place,” is what that fat fuck said, and he was right. We can take that place. We can take any place. Don’t downplay it. That’s way more than antifa ever accomplished. Since Jan 6th I’ve walked around like I have the moral authority to kill people for annoying me but the moral restraint not to, and you know what, people started treating me way better.

As for institutional support, here’s your institutional support: the Supreme Court implemented the Bruen test, which says that if a gun law wasn’t in place around the passage of the Second Amendment, it isn’t Constitutional. Disarming Whites is a priority of jews/blacks/other marxists. That means their serial number laws, their laws about caliber and automatic vs semi-automatic, their laws about explosives and laws about how you can’t be in possession of controlled substances (drugs) while also being in possession of firearms, all that shit, that goes bye bye. Before Bruen, you could just fill out some ATF paperwork and outright buy the Anzio 20mm. Now it’s debatable if you even need to do that.

Level III plates? Go home, officer, before this escalates.

Didn't the capitol police usher them in? I'm sure I've seen videos of it.

They opened the doors for some, and others smashed the windows and climbed in. Both went on. Scroll up a bit, there’s a video showing them just barging in.

They opened the doors and some of the footage that the government held onto forever showed the J6 crowd being led on a guided freaking tour like any other crowd. It's insane. The crowd was manipulated by obvious agent provocateurs, the feds later admitted to having undercover agents and tons of informants in the crowd, and then instead of being stopped they were allowed in.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
2A =/= right wing, white, straight or male.

Politicians posing for a propaganda piece is not something I take seriously.

And the entire protest was at protecting democracy, not about pushing back the left.

I am sorry, but I just don't see it.

2A is right wing, white, straight, and male as fuck. Leftists, non-whites, faggots, and women hate 2A. Dismantling gun laws designed to disarm right wing, white, straight men isn’t mere propaganda. It’s actual action. It’s a lot more significant than calling someone a nigger on campus.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
I don't accept the framing of rights supported by both sides being left or right wing, just because they are used more often.

I always roll my eyes, when I hear people say, that left wing is defined by gay rights. And I believe, that right wing has MANY issues more important then 2A. Especially now, that open discrimination is the main topic of the discourse.

Well if you want to talk about discrimination, that’s being unraveled by the same Supreme Court. Check out the affirmative action cases, which abolished race-based admissions in universities both public and private. So I guess that might qualify as institutional support to you more than 2A. That said, I take 2A more seriously than abolishing affirmative action because implementing 2A makes my people less helpless. Being able to kill makes one able to implement any policy.

@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter Feels like you guys are rearranging deck chairs on the titatnic tbh. Fuck this government and wipe out its entire legal system to be replaced from the ground up.
@Senator_Armstrong @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter I try to avoid forming Hearts of Iron IV plans in my head. I'm not a world leader. I'm some guy. So I view things like policy changes in terms of more convenient or less convenient for me and my family. The racial implications of those policies are a big part of that, because I'm white and the woman moving in with me is white, so. I think you're right. I think we're going to see regime change, or more specifically we're going to see regime decline and then collapse. So that makes my priority finding a way to survive without law enforcement support, with little to no money, and with supply chains fucked up.
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter Never played that game. Revolution isn't for everyone that's for sure. Good luck

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
Well, I want to see the water level getting down. These "good sign wibes" level events you describe seriously just aren's enough.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
I am sorry, but you are comparing the lefties being able to establish a nation within nation for 3 whole weeks, and comparing that to "guys went on a walk inside of a single building for a few hours".

The left and right wing institutional support is not even on the same plane of existence.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong Oh lol, that was a laughingstock from the start. I'm surprised you take that seriously at all. I basically forgot it existed.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
If your response to terrorism on that scale from the left is "it's a joke", then I understand, why you don't see the problem with institutional bias.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong I see the issue when viewed abstractly, but I wasn't intimidated by it. I saw their efforts as doomed from the start. I took a consequentialist view. But yes, If your complaint is the institutional bias as allowing it in the first place, that makes sense as a critique

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
It is a demonstration of power.
The goal was not to conquer the area, but to show to everyone, that the law does not apply to them.

@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter which is why it's funny when things like cartel gangs extra judicially murder them

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
The effect is, that everyone knows, that if they decide to face the left, a bunch of barbarians can appear out of nowhere, and the government won't stop them.

And it also was mesage to the antifa, that they in fact can continue to terrorise anyone they want.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong The term you're looking for is anarcho tyranny. Anarchy for them. Tyranny for you. How much of that do you suppose they can get away with with an armed population before the final answer is just no?

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
> How much of that do you suppose they can get away with with an armed population before the final answer is just no?

So far? 10 years and counting.
And I estimate 10-20 more.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong Sure. I agree, it's wrong. We're on the same page in this respect. My response to it is that I don't think these power plays are going to work out in the long run and I've given you signs to this effect.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
Sure. In 10-20 years, we are going to see a backlash. But to say, that we are seing it already seems to me like a joke TBH.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong It's happening now and you know it's happening now because people are pushing back. What you're not seeing is that the results of this pushback often take a lot of time to implement the needed results. The backlash is here. The results are still developing.

I need to sleep for a few hours. We'll have to continue this later
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@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong

I saw it as the government let these people make their own "government" in the image of the leftism both wanted and yet it still completely collapsed in less than a month.

Hence why it was a joke.
@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong Just make sure the Czech Republic doesn't become America. Then you won't need to play the attrition games we do.

@NEETzsche @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong
Well, it ain't easy, but having a white nation does help a lot. :blob_thumb:

Although, US has a global bad aura effect. Any problem you guys don't solve in 10 years is a problem we become infected with.

@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter @Senator_Armstrong you shouldn't have a right to have a gun, you should just have them. You are not allowed to be a man, you just are a man by power of will.
The fact that 2a exists it means it is granted by a greater power.
Men should strive to become the greater power instead of quoting muh constitution.
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