Can we just beat up people, who say "beards are makeup for men"?

@LukeAlmighty i always say the beard is the man's makeup because a good beard will make any man look better. got a bad chin? got no hair on your head? got some funky jawline or cheeks? beard. fixed.

there's a reason why people say they look 20 years younger when they shave.

@beardalaxy Think before you post dumb shit

Beard is a biological feature. Some people can grow it, while others can't. And the little I can actually grow does grow by itself. There is nothinng malicious about it's presence. It is just there.

Makeup on the other hand is purely a manipulative tool. There is nothing natural about it, and it has NO LIMIT on it's use. Every single instance of it is also 100% intentional. There is no male equivalent, except makeup. YES, YOU CAN USE MAKEUP TOO.

Do you want to know, what is a woman's beard? BOOBS. There, I said it. They also grow on their own, hide the face, and make you look more gendered. Boobs are men's beard. Not fucking makeup.

But, many women love their manipulation SO FUCKING MUCH, that they excuse their 2h daily rutine of lies through brush with "but you have beard". FUCK OFF. How dumb do you have to be to take that excuse seriously?

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy

> is purely a manipulative tool

fakery certainly but I dunno if an aspect of personal grooming can be considered *purely* manipulative. it can certainly be used that way but at the same time if most of the people around you are doing it then you will be at a disadvantage if you don't regardless of your wishes

might as well consider styling your hair to be purely manipulative. go out looking like a schizo and see how well people take to you :cirno_heh:

@roboneko @beardalaxy
Do you seriously think I have never been out looking like a chyzo?
Bruh, I have over 20 years of practice.

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@LukeAlmighty @roboneko @beardalaxy
Likewise, I'm a bit surprised to learn that people resort to hair styling to look like a skidzo, I think I'm a natural 😅
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