One of the "conspiracy theories" that I think can be tied in to the other big "conspiracies" out there is, simply put, the fact that girls are fertile and horny before they're 18 (or even 16). Of course, the more "activist" pedophiles will say that age can go as low as even 5 or 6, which is.....You know, slow down a bit, bub...

Think about the craze with limiting teen pregnancies years ago, and how that ties in with mass-contraception, and how that ties in with feminism etc... etc... The list goes on and on and on.

Falling birth-rates (in the West, regardless of race/ethnicity, really) are basically a result of the elite social-engineering the natural "younger is better" preference out of the human psyche.

A person I follow on social media said that nowadays, women are calling men who pursue only 18 year olds "pedophiles", because they're 30. Ridiculous. And even though that person wouldn't call themselves a pedo or anything like that, they said that what would result from such lunacy is actually a normalization of pedophilic tendencies (i.e. "the younger the better") as a "counter-culture" to retarded oppression.

I live in a country which only recently raised the AOC to 18.

Before, it was 16, and only a few years before that it was 14.

I've already gone over the shit that I've seen in my time here, so I'll just leave it at that.

I mean, the AOC is not 18 per se, but like, everything here is becoming increasingly Americanized.

If I were dating a 16 year old, we'd still have to remain very much on the down-low.

@Aldo2 men who pursue *only* 18 y/os may not be technically pedophiles, but they still prey on the inexperienced and deserve to be ridiculed out of the gene pool the same way all other chasers should


@tomie @Aldo2
> prey on the inexperienced

The funniest way of saying "want a real love, not just to be a 10th guy on the ride"

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@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 no chaser wants a "real love", they just hunt the one single feature and drop the girl the second she loses it (i.e celebrates her 19th birthday)
and then she even has to tolerate this shit like "dO nOt WaNt tO bE nOt FiRsT" from entitled randos like you

@tomie @Aldo2
Ok then, you won,
Keep on gathering your experience then. You look like you're just about to level up.

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