I hate humans
When I look up how to lose weight, I want tips on how to do it. I do NOT need a 20th video with an excelent 2h explanation on what is a calloric deficit. Bitch, there are already 2000 videos explaining that concept. Do you seriously feel that special, that you believe you will ecplain it better?

@LukeAlmighty Super simple,
Drink water nothing else, eat healthy, move some more, and weigh daily.
Gain weight, eat less and move more.
Ps hunger is just a feeling, one that can be ignored.

Oh, thanks. I tried not drinking coffee. Next question?

@LukeAlmighty No serious, what info do you miss to lose weight?
Tailor your caloric intake to be less then your caloric output.
Eat less makes you weigh less, weird huh?

Yeah, water is really wet lately. Who knew?
And did you know, that if you want to land on a moon, you have to go up?

@LukeAlmighty Stay fat moron, who gives a fuck if you die from a heart attack. You asked for help but dont want it, fine by me.

@Appelmoesje @LukeAlmighty
OP: "I don't need a 9000th explaination of caloric deficit"
you: "have you tried a caloric deficit :pepeDrool: let me explain it"

@tomie @LukeAlmighty It is what it is, want a tant get into sun, want to swim get in water, want lose weigt eat less and better.

@Appelmoesje @LukeAlmighty if you simply go into sun to get tan... well, this action seems to be fitting for you, have fun there 👋

@tomie @LukeAlmighty You can try magic, have to find a non fat wicca first.

What to say... Some things I rant about are literally proving themselves.

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