Fuck it, it might be about time to put in the drastic measure.

Either I win, or I become a lolcow.
Today, I start at 100.9kg

Good morning everyone.
Fuck, I don't even feel that great -_-

To be fair, yesterday was anything but an average day. I did a ton on excersize, so I had 2 meals instead of one.... and a bit of aclohol.

The goal is to not be fat :D

I "kinda" set the weight at 80, but I have no idea what I will look like at 90 or 85. I just know, that I am still not worthy of cosplaying Kamina, Eren or anyone else without a shirt.

Getting good muscle definition and/or low fat% is effectively only achievable if you cardiomax or take steroids.

Give up or just take drugs.

I love how supportive the internet can be of a good cause.

Set realistic goals, or be prepared to do what it takes, is what I am saying.

Fuck realistic goals.
Being realistic got me from 90 to 100 in last 3 years.

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That doesn't make much sense to me, but whatever works for you.
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