Hot take
@LukeAlmighty women who want abortions are amazing, responsible mothers
Hot take
Well, not for long
Hot take
@LukeAlmighty for as much as needed
"roasties who abort for fun" is a misogynistic internet lie coined by incels; abortions are a necessity, and that includes women who are already mothers and would like to continue to take care of their children instead of dying or whatever else can happen that can warrant a necessity for abortion
Even when I agree with you, you cannot just take the W, and have to prove me wrong no matter the cost :D
I said, that I support it, yet, you have to bring the most obvious boring arguments, that everyone heard before just to start an argument -_-
Also, stop defending the worst offenders by denying their existence,
It makes you look pointlessly unreasonable.
@LukeAlmighty not defending achieves nothing when it's "us" vs "them"
It defines, who you see as "US".
If you see people who do abortions for fun as "us", then you are also creating pointless amount of "them" in exchange.
@LukeAlmighty literally nobody is doing abortions for fun, so it's us against those who would like to strip all basic rights from us
We're literally talking about murder.
And you know I don't agree with the concept of "basic human rights" to begin with, so this argument fails on 2 layers.
You can do better.
@LukeAlmighty why yes, we are literally talking about murder of women and how "they" want to legalize it wide-scale, finally you're getting it
so yes, women who want abortions are amazing and deserve all the love and life
What are you even doing right now?
You're acting like an NPC ffs.