
I am not even pissed off, that there are some people out there who believe this.

But I got unironically furious, when people weren't roasting the hell out of this in comments, but were mostly in agreement instead.

Maybe he didn't read the same book.

I came not to bring peace, but a sword.

I guess, no matter what I say, your response is going to be "see what I mean?"

What a briliant defence.

@LukeAlmighty You're welcome to demonstrate a proper understanding of Christianity (or other "religion" - they all just assumed OP meant Christianity) and then make some sort of case against it.

Nah. I don't care for your "waste as much time as you want, so I can say see what I mean challange".

Do you seriously think, that this is my first day on fedi? Fuck off with that bullshit. I no longer believe in a productive discourse with christians, who come in with such an algorythmic opening.

See what >>I<< mean?
You literally proved my point beyond any reasonable doubt.

If I asked you to to tell me the exact difference between an atheist and an agnostic, you would refuse to tell me the definition in my head too. So, let's not pretend, like your question was genuine.

@LukeAlmighty Given that I never actually asked you a question, of course I won't.
@LukeAlmighty @Zergling_man Oh oh I can do this, an Athiest is certain there’s no god/s an Agnostic doesn’t know if they exist nor their nature if they do. Granted I’m a former Agnostic of near a decade who found my way to Pagan esoterica so not a shock lol

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Zergling_man
And I asked this question, because it is the simplest of atheist concepts, yet most christians cannot grasp it.

I am an atheist, because there is no proof, that any god does exist. I have no reason to believe it, but there is no possible way that anyone can "be certain, that god doesn't exist".

Agnosticism is a term that christians made up to push atheists in theeir head into an extremely insane definition instead of listening.

@LukeAlmighty @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Zergling_man Yeah, that's why I tend to call myself an atheist rather than an agnostic - obviously I don't *know* that there is no God, but it's not like I'm 50-50 on it either, I consider it way more likely than not that an active God who intervenes in and takes an interest in human affairs doesn't exist. That said, it's not necessarily a view I'm interested in pushing, since I'm extremely unimpressed with both majority-atheist countries and the majority of atheists, so for the time being I'd prefer for the West to experience a religious (Christian) resurgence.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @Zergling_man To me I’m an idealist at days end, My dream would ofc be a Pagan revival, but I’m MORE then willing to settle for a secular victory built off an ideal (I’d call this my ”goal” as it’s the easiest and most practical to gather people and unite under), Christianity has too many flaws as doctrine to be the base of a WN state IMO.
Nigga. You're starting to piss me off with all the potshots you keep taking at Christianity.

@ChristiJunior @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Zergling_man
I wish I could believe that, but sadly, locals have done an amazing job demonstrating to me, why a christian resurgence would lead only to a fucking dark ages all over again.

Although, no matter how much I despise the average christian, it's still better then Muslims, who would throw us all the way to stone age, and further if they got their hands on the nukes.

And by average christian, I seriously don't mean all of them. Some local ones are true philosophers, but once you see them pointing at trees, you cannot quite recover your faith in that group ever again.

@breadcat @LukeAlmighty A reasonable question.

1) You'll probably deliberately misunderstand, many such cases, see what I mean
2) I want to play swat is it reasonable to acknowledge the benefits of religion and still dismiss the premise as superstition

@LukeAlmighty "Niceness" is not morality or a virtue, "Niceness" is the path of least resistance. And I'm not even religious, but "don't be a dick" is absolutely NOT something the world religions preach. They have rules against lying (except Islam), cheating, stealing and killing, but no rules against hurting the fee fees of sensitive faggots, or respecting beliefs that clash with what their God command.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty Elijah taunted the prophets of Baal when their false god didn't respond, and then he killed them all after that. There's a lesson to be learned there.

@LukeAlmighty "not being a dick" translates out to "let me do whatever I want" to some people

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty and most especially, "let me be a dick when I want". For example if someone doesn't use my heckin pronouns.

@LukeAlmighty this thread is full of people way too eager to lick jew's boots lmao

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