hot take
Feminism had killed the concept of human rights. Before abortion, the arguments about the nature of human rights was a pure academic masturbation, but now, that the slide of hand was abused beyond reason down to a right to kill babies, it seems inevitable, that the entire structure might fall down to the level of "I don't care".
Also, thanks SFO for teaching me the importance of me ne frago, since it does seem like a concept, that will get more important in the years to come.
hot take
@LukeAlmighty women: "we have a right to live"
you know, if men really cared about saving lives, including their own, there would be no wars anymore, but men glorify wars instead 💅 so all this "right to kill babies" talk is just projection, as usual
@brendamccann @tomie
Ok... I agree with you.
Aborting rape babies should be legal. 100%. I have not a single issue with that, and I will support you on that.
Now, can we finally start talking about the 92.5% of cases, that aren't an obvious strawman?
@LukeAlmighty @brendamccann
whenever I point at the economics and say "look at this shit", I get called a commie and get a barrage of "but muh moslems give birth to dozens of babies, just take away women's rights", but whenever I say that under this pecking order men would have to work and provide, I get called a gold digger
you kinda proved the main point yourself by this graph anyway: the main numbers are created not my imaginary strawman "hoes", but by stable traditional families who quite literally can't afford a baby/or the so-called dad is a manchild, deadbeat, or flat out left
@tomie @brendamccann
She talked about rape, so I posted a graph about rape stats.
I seriously don't think you understand the entire "proving point" thing...
@tomie @brendamccann
Oh, don't I?
Then what is your actual thesis? Because if it's "Under this pecking order men would have to work and provide,", then you should find someone who disagrees first.
@LukeAlmighty @brendamccann