Another realization I've come to.

The solution to the problem of Conservatives always either losing or cucking is to be radically progressive, unironically.

Neither Dem or Rep (both betray their bases all the time), but progressive,Teddy Roosevelt style.

They don't realize how silly and a self-own a meme like this is.

Progressives are "the times". "And the times they are a changing". Progressives are the chugachugachoochoo that moves society. You just have to accept it.

"Conservatives" want to go back or stop time honestly from my perspective mostly out of fear of the unknown. "Nothing lasts forever".

You don't survive by swimming against a current. If you do that, you just tire yourself out and then drown. You survive by riding the current downstream until you find land or the current subsides so you can escape.

Or, instead of a current, think of "riding the tiger"...

One of these days I'll extrapolate on this further...

@Aldo2 This observation isn't new and has been made dozens of times over the years. Conservatives conserve fuckall, and play along in whatever paradigm that doesn't scare the voters, or makes the media class hate them even more than they already do.

@xyfdi yeah, the observation isn't new, but the solution I propose is relatively new. I'm not the only one saying it, to be fair.

"Conservatives" are afraid of embracing progressivism because they view it as "left-wing" or whatever, whereas progresivism is neither left or right-wing. Progressivism is about taking society forward.

Margaret Sanger's eugenicist reasoning behind advocating for abortion is a good example.


@Aldo2 @xyfdi
Yes, politics is full of wordplay, because it's layers upon layers of misunderstandings of different moral systems.

Conservatives do not try to conserve, and progressives do not progress society. But these are the words we have. :peepoShrug:

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 @xyfdi Mainstream conservatives DO work very hard to conserve any and all left-liberal victories as long as 10 years or more have passed


You say "left-liberal", yet "right-liberals" are the same.

Trump is a "right-liberal" by all accounts.

Either way, they're both liberals.

Liberalism is the ideology of maintaining the status quo. It's why there is almost no daylight between Red and Blue team.

Liberalism is not progressivism. Many progressives don't like "liberals" and routinely rant about them "betraying" the ordinary folk who want real change.

All "liberals" argue for is "Classical Liberalism" all the fucking time, and that shit is way past its use-by date.

@LukeAlmighty progressives push society forward, whether you or I like it or not.

So the trick is to adapt to the times, accept the situation and overcome it using its own power against it.

In order to defeat "progressives", one must become a progressive.

In order to put out large forest fires, one may have to start a smaller fire.

Yaddah yaddah, etcetera etcetera...

Do you realize, how retarded that is?
You cannot just give the idea of progress to the left, because progress is good by definition. They defined themselves as good again, and you ate it all up.

Nah... I saw progress young people made rebuilding the 3rd spaces. It was mind blowing. But nothing progressive about it.

@LukeAlmighty I didn't give it to the left.

I said progress happens, regardless of if you or I like it or not. Society moves, in spite of people trying to stop it. History does not stop. It can't be stopped.

Much of the "progress" I see I don't like, or at the very least am ambivalent to.

Read what I wrote again.

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