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Ano, gratuluji. zachránili jste planetu tím, že lidé musí to víko urvat.

Ale to, že tento hnus dostanu k nápoji i bez vyžádání, toho si nikdo nevšiml.

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Proč pokaždé, když vidím nějakou nelogickou sračku je za tím EU?

Turn on Twitch just to wait for a stream, and this is the first thing I get offered...

Rogue like games be like:
This is impossible.
we made it impossible on purpose.
There is no valid way of doing it.
We do not want you to do it...

But here's an achievement and a character if you do it anyway.

United states are retarded:
Part 69

These people unironically put up the untaxed prices in the shops.


I've just learned the Sims 3 doesn't have autosave without a mod...

And I've learned it the hard way. (several hours...)

When you notice the coffee is running out, before it's completely gone

Ok, I am triggered.
"He's only 19 years old"

Do you mean, he's literally in the phisical peak of his life? He cannot be possibly in better age?

Wow........ He's not even paraplegic either. What a talented young man. Just wait for his jumps once he turns 70.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.