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Modern operation systems should come with pre-installed set of all tools needed for everyday use.

This includes a free video editor, archiver, photo editor as well as an office suite. And both Windows and Android are failing spectacularly in these tasks, forcing users to explore often shady marketplaces to find a 3rd grade software. This is a failure with society-wide consequences, and both Microsoft and Alphabet should be fined for forcing uneducated users to risk their valuable hardware.

Minulý týden:
Co myslíš tím "česko"? Jsme srdce evropy. Jsme součástí většího celku. Jen nácek by byl hrdej na česko. Jsme jedna Evropa.


Sailor Moon S2 

Ok, now I seriously didn't expect this plot twist...

These "resumes" are so fucking weird. I've been told to use color, correct font and write only the most important information to the top.

So, I just look up "how to write a resume", and guess what? This is the first picture I'm shown:

Why do the resumes in video look like a fucking tech printout?

Tried eating veggies to lose weight...

It's so fucking horrible. To eat with no sustinance is a concept I've heard of in many horror stories, bot I didn't know this shit was fucking real.

So, it seems, that the entire KSP2 studio will be fired...

Well, cannot even pretend to be surprised.

I know, that the entire philosophy of the jews is based on breaking the spirit of the west...

But Apple is just blatant about it.
Why would you want to buy from a company that is proud of literally smashing art?

CW (it's an advert)

Earth is round.
Here is proof:
Look up round table, and it shows a table with usable area described as a circle.

Just as earth. It's literally the same shape. Checkmate christians.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.