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I'm so far still below 30, but I couldn't believe how better my life got after I finally quit the school.

Finally remembered, where I saved this bad boy.

And I cannot believe, just how big of a difference this edit makes. At least to me, it seems, that this was the original intent, before some programmer didn't understand the task properly.

A friendly reminder, that if you're thinking of releasing pets into the wild.... Just don't.

Holywood just spend $100 mil on a romance movie between a 39 and a 43 year old.

I don't think these people are human anymore, if they believe, that it's an acceptable range for a romance movie.

So, let's start again. It's a romance movie. Primary audience will be older women. What do women love the most? >>Space technology<<

WHAT???? Ok, we're still quite off. Just add a commedy to the mix, this cannot fail anyway.

Yeah, and make sure, that there is not a single sign of the commedy on the poster. Nah, make the poster look like a serious DRAMA!!!

I don't care I've seen this video 20 times before. It's still the funniest shit I've ever seen.

This is what Facebook boomers consider a meme these days.

Photons. You cannot see photons. Not a single photon interacted directly with your eye. Ever. You can only see photons under the microscope, right? And let's be honest. How many of you actually interacted with photons at any part of your life?

Also, this is hilarious.
Did you know, you can play a 22 year old game.... 7 days early?

What a great deal.

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Watching Godzilla minus one...
Mini japanese tanks stand no chance...

And all I'm thinking is:
If only there was some weapon made specifically for such an unprecedented occasion...

Someone was truly thinking ahead.

On one hand, I am happy, that they finally de-consolized it... It took only 22 fucking years.

But on the other hand, how about you make GOOD GAMES OF YOUR OWN DISNEY?

Uploaded 2 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I found the time traveler.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.