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I have 2 questions
1) What religion is against costumes?
2) Why are so many people claiming to be religious while simultaneously doing all they can to shit on the rules they follow?

His friends are real bros though, and I am a bit jealous.

I am not sure, if I loke it, or if I find it disturbing...

The problem is, that this tool is literally (if working correctly, I haven't tried it) learning your preferences of fictional women, meaning, that it should eventually reach the "impossibly beautiful" standart...

I don't even know why I find this particular tool more triggering then the previous ones, but it kinda just doesn't sit right.

I love, how lefties are now trying to adopt the insult "snowflake", when they see anyone boycott the social justice.

Not only are they so pathetic, they cannot create their own insults :D

Can you immagine people actually think George Lucas cannot write dialog?

Tried reporting a dangerous post on Instagtam. (kids will try it, and lose their hand)

There is a page long list of categories, and baiting to self harm is not one of them... Fucking retarded modern standards.

People on Instagram are upset over this...

This is a grading without questions or context.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.