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Takovou blbost může opravdu okecat jen Vít Rakušan.

Ale na tom není co chválit. Je to jen abstraktní blivajz. A navíc jen Piráti a oni mají plakáty bez České symboliky.

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SPD a Tricolora:
No comment. Dokonalost. Nejenom, že českou hrdost a výjimečnost zobrazili perfektně, ale i s humorem.

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Which way western man :omegalul:
Ok, chudáci za to nemůžou, ale toto opravdu vypadá, jako plakát z válečného politického dramatu.

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To je prostě horror. Vypadá to jeko corporate art od googlu, perfectně zachicující dystopické ideály té strany.

Je mi z toho zle.

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Plakáty politických stran tvořené AI.
Ano: Hell yeah...

Tady není co dodat, kromě toho, že se autor nemůže rozhodnout, jestli chce podporovat ČR nebo unii. Jinak nacionalizmus jas sviňa.

If Trump wins, there might be a civil war.

But if Biden wins, I can promise you, the Skibidi Biden meme won't die for the entire 4 years.

So, Let me get this straight
US worker gors to work.
US worker makes a product.
US government steals money from the US worker
US government gives money to Israel.
Israel buys US product.
US company gets money, and pays US worker..............

This is so weird.

And, Star Wars now has fire in space...

God, I am so happy I'm not watching this trash anymore.

Here is the anwser for the slow americans.

It is, because when it comes to moral questions, most christians use God as the begining, middle and the end of the entire argument. Therefore, when someone rejects God, not only do they reject your entire justification in all 3 steps, but also they see, that you had to use God to justify these moral opinions, and they just assume, that the oposite must be true.

But, as an atheist in an atheist country, I lived through childhood in a place, where logic chain God -> God -> God was NOT used, and the real moral questions were therefore discussed on their actual value. And guess what? We did find real justifications to hold the same opinions.

Whis is obviously insane, but how did they geet it so wrong?

47? Who the fuck even knows about 47?
Crash? I barely know he exists.
Shadowheart? She is in ONE game.
Sackboy? :omegalul: Cannot wait to hear all the deep lore about that Sony mascot, that impacted the gaming community with 1 gif....

I feel so stupid 

While listening to more interesting takes on the bear, I realized, that I have completely misunderstood the "women love the true crime shows" line.

Of course, they like the shows in that genre. But that has nothing to do with TRUE crime. True crime cannot be learned through TV show where gamergaters abduct some streamer. True crime is what you see on lifeleak.

So.................. I was wrong.

I still cannot get over the fact, that I managed to avoid spoilers from the ENTIRE INTERNET, only for a fucking opening of that very show to spoil one such a briliant twist. :blobcatknife:

Since everyone is posting the pride flags, here is a flag I am proud of.

Tak to vypadá, že piráti jsou třetí od konce :D Jen ten zelený hnus je předehnal.

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