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Oh no....
Oh noooooo.....
I think I've finally figured it out.

So, Do you remember Tears of the Kingdom? That game was announces shortly after the Sonic frontiers disasterous reception. Many people, including me were complaining about the lazy design of floating rollercoasters in the air. And fair enough.

But: Think of this. You are 4 years into a development of a new game, and all of a sudden, you are told, that the entire main map of your new game (the sky islands) are a red flag to people, and you have to reduce it by at least 50%.

Well, what do you do? You cannot throw away assets from 1/4 of the game, and you have no time to start over again. But, then you come up with a briliant idea how to save it....

You literally coppy-paste the map you already have of the ground... Invert it, and put it below the original map. Now, you have space to put the remaining content, that was originally supposed to be on the floating islands.

The entire underground exists because of Sonic.

I talked to a troon recently, and he just mentioned, that he cannot find a job.

Of course, that was followed by: "A living wage in Pregue is about 70k czk per month. (before tax)"

Well, that certainly didn't help the dellulu stereotype :D

There are unironucally still people out there actually complaining about home office.

And I kinda want to throw them out of the window

> Oh men... Have you seen this new commedy movie? It's all just about sex. It's so hilarious. There are blowjob jokes, jokes about ............

Dneska jsem si opět potvrdil, že štěstí v lásce znamená smůlu v kartách...

Jsem neporazitelný

The most surprising part of the Acolite is, that Shaak Ti hadn't died yet.

"What is Philosophy?"
By Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Richard Fumerton, Giorgio Agamben, Lorenzo Chiesa, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Robert Sokolowski, José Ortega y Gasset, Russell Hasan, C.P. Ragland, Sarah Heidt...
(submitted by Branan Mull)

> Minors are literally sub-humans that you should never even talk to...


There are people in the comments unironically complaining about how dare the operator be joking.

WELL,,,, you called the gun guy to come to your house. The gun guy has to make a civilized offer to your child of either you agree with the state, or you die.

The operator was not JOKING. He was explaining to the single mother what her actions could lead to. And as always, people had to ignore all of it, because how dare he mansplain to a woman that actions do have consequences....

Take a good care of yourself everyone, so you can run alongside your perfect tomboy.

This post got so many beautiful responses, that just confirm, that humans work in the same way as AI.

Give them enough noise, and they will find the fact.

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