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I promise Attack on Titan won't get too political 

10 min later:
If there is one thing I hate more than Marley, it's food that isn't free.

@LukeAlmighty But retarded gaming journalists were still complaining about a game called Metroid DREAD actually being challenging and putting them under pressure from time to time.

For people who love Story games, they sure don't appreciate gameplay and story integration.

Also, on the note of the EMMIs, Raven Beak was able to absolutely wreck them on his own, that first, badly damaged EMMI that Samus encountered was originally crippled by the Chozo Chad.

The funny thing about Metroid dread wasn't even her being overwhelmed by the final boss, but she wasn't able to kill a single EMMI without a single use power source.

She was literally outclassed by everyone until the last minute of the game.

It's kinda how funny how far from being this invincible Mary Sue girlboss, Echoes of Wisdom Zelda is actually one of the WEAKEST incarnations of the character in recent memory. Most Zeldas since Ocarina of Time have been shown to be very powerful magic casters, and sometimes even wield the Light Arrows, arguably the strongest weapon in all of Hyrule.

Meanwhile, Zelda in EoW never displays innate magic skills, but relies on temporarily borrowed powers from Tri and Link. You might argue she's at least the most physically fit Zelda so far given all the adventuring she does and her jumping ability, but even in that category she's probably not in the same league as OoT Zelda, who became a literal Ninja. EoW Zelda very much relies on her wit and wisdom, not raw power, to come out on top.

I think Nintendo just really likes Underdog heroes, so they took and nerfed Zelda's innate powers for the same reason they made Link barely 5 feet tall in BotW, and depict Mario as a literal midget. Samus and Donkey Kong are physically imposing, but DK has been kidnapped multiple times back during the SNES Donkey Kong Country games, and even Samus was thoroughly humbled by the much stronger Raven Beak in Metroid Dread.
"No no guys, Kamala didn't put parents of sick children in prison because their kids failed to attend enough worthless public school classes, she just had them charged and TRIED to put them in prison!"

Journalists are Enemies of the People

previously when I read about this or that author being racist, I did feel a bit uncomfortable
but now I feel a tingle of pride whenever I see a "known racist" book on my bookshelf

Přesně. Pokud se to řeší před volbama, tak to jen vypadá jako manipulace.

Got a block on X for writing "go buy a rope".

I wrote it under someone dismissing a suicide thoughts of a good man.

How am I getting blocked for telling someone to not ignore deep depression? BRUH....

My point though is, that while you can use the true world view to argue around the troon madness, their entire philosophy is so fragile and schyzophrenic, that you can literally get the same result even when you use their definition. It doesn't even take any aditional cognitive power.

But, most conservatives are literally unable to apply their definitions, and their brain freezes as soon, as they are confronted with an edited dictionary.

Yes. A shadow. Scary, big and literally cannot hurt you, because he isn't even there.

The funniest part of lefties talking about radicalization of young men is, that they believe, that voting Trump is the radical position.

Bruh... Trump is not the radical position. Trump is just a shadow of the real right.

Ok... Cam anyone explain to me, how is it possible, that Destiny is still talking about the Jan 6th?

It have been 4 years already. What the fuck is he trying to prove at this point?

A white sci-fi:
Conquer the stars
A black sci-fi:
Build a crime-free city
A crippled leftie fantasy:
Why even dream...

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